Friday 18 December 2009

My Spiritual Name: "Debra" (Part 2)

When I was a teenager, there was a book called Your Destiny is in Your Name. It concerned numerology, if I remember correctly. I didn't put much stock in my destiny being in my name.

But when I discovered the deep Goddess connections of my name, it did feel to me like I had somehow been marked as Hers right from the beginning. My mother unintentionally expressed my life's path simply by choosing that starlet's name for me. Funny, isn't it? Carl Jung would say, No, it is synchronicity. There are no meaningless coincidences.

So "Debra" remains the central component of my spiritual name. But where did the rest of it come from?


  1. Ms. D,
    I just caught up with your journey here, uncovering the meaning of Debra. I love this. Talk about synchronistic! I have been deeply immersed (yet again, 10 year cycle it seems) in the divine feminine, and just became aware of the bee connection through other sources. I love that your name is connected with this. Of course, Sue Monk Kidd's new book (Traveling with Pomegranates) talks all about the "bees." I adored it.

    I would like to think that the DF is making a huge resurgence today, but we have to keep talking about that to make it happen, eh? May we continue to search and then share what we find. Blessings!

  2. Hi Jan! You're right! And speaking of Sue Monk Kidd, she also wrote the novel The Secret Life of Bees, which was made into a movie a couple of years ago. Very affirming of women, our struggles, and the Divine Feminine.

  3. Honestly this is so fascinating I'm about to start looking up my name.


  4. cool...can't wait to read more. Now I want to find the meaning of my name...

  5. I love numberology! I really believe what Carl Jung says There are no meaningless coincidences!

  6. I had the same numerology book. My name, Mary, has much attached to it...and Carl Jung is my favorite. I have a co-worker who is into Freud and I am into Jung. We are constantly at each other. Have you read "The Celestine Prophesy" books?

  7. No, I haven't read The Celestine Prophesy books but I know they're very popular. I think Freud was a complete idiot. Jung rocks, man!

  8. My Mum, Ann, was the author of "Your Destiny is in Your

    I was brought up to have a very open mind...and I did, for many years...

    Now...I truly believe...if we can't believe in ourselves, how can we believe in anything else?

  9. By the name is can reach me at

  10. Really! See? Again, Debra, this is zipping over my head. I'm so not educated on this divine feminine stuff, but I have done some numerology. Someone read my kids when they were born and she was so right about both of them. Wierd. So I wonder. I'll have to look this book up. Veddy interestink!

  11. I have a great book on numerology..
    and if i had another daughter i'd name her debra..hmm, maybe not. i have a cousin who is dumber than a box of rocks, has a personality like a sack full of hemmeroids..and her name is deborah.


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