Saturday 19 December 2009

My Spiritual Name: "She Who Seeks"

Many years ago in a Winnipeg mall, I ran across a temporary kiosk selling calligraphic prints illustrating the meaning of given names. I looked up "Debra," expecting (of course) to find it translated literally as "honeybee." Imagine my surprise when I found it translated as "she who seeks"!

After reflection, however, this new translation started to make sense to me. Honeybees are female. Therefore, "she." And what does a honeybee spend her time doing? She "seeks" flowers and pollen in order to make honey. So "she who seeks" is actually quite a wonderful symbolic or conceptual translation of "Debra/Honeybee."

But more than that, "she who seeks" accurately and succinctly summarizes my life of seeking spiritual truth wherever I may find it. After embarking on my spiritual journey as an adolescent, I spent nearly 20 years seeking before finding the Goddess Path. Like a honeybee, I went in turn to most of the flowers in the spiritual garden and took some wisdom teachings from each. I have now been on the Goddess Path for a further 20 years, but I still seek diverse wisdom teachings as I journey.

So although I was not actively looking for a spiritual name, "Debra She Who Seeks" came to me as a gift and fits so well that I have gladly adopted it.

And now you also understand the symbolism of my blog header, LOL!


  1. ~a wonderful gift to have found..brightest blessings~

  2. Love that story, Debra. And the honeybee image. Determined, unrelenting, stopped by nothing. And I love that Sue Monk Kidd, in your other post, uses bees as a theme in her books. It somehow deepens those stories for me. I always love to dig up themes and see what speaks to other authors, because we all have them, hidden or not-so hidden. Just as, apparently, you do in your quest. Great, clarifying post, Debra!

  3. Sometimes what we are seeking (even though it may be unbeknown to us) has been with us all along.

    Thank you for sharing the info on your name. It has been fun and interesting to read of the origins of your name. And it has gotten me to think about the origins of my name....

  4. I loved learning all about your name. It helps me to further understand the signifcance of your header. Now, maybe it is time for me to start working on mine.

  5. I love the story, I love the name and I love you..merry christmas seeker

  6. I've loved hearing about your name and it's significance and symbolism! "She Who Seeks" is so apt and lovely!

  7. what a beautiful story debra...I've seen you your comments around the blogoshere...we seem to be traveling in the same circles...I'm so glad I stopped by. How awesome that this is your name and that it describes you so well.


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