Tuesday 23 February 2010

Boscastle Fish & Chips

While in Britain, my Rare One made it her mission to sample fish & chips from as many restaurants as possible. Most were delicious, while others ranged from fair to mediocre and (on one occasion only) terrible. They all involved deep fried battered fish, of course. Except in Boscastle. This is the fish & chips order that arrived at our restaurant table --

My Rare One calmly removed the heads, tails and skin and ate the fish, which she said was very fresh and tasty. I discreetly covered the heads and other remains with my napkin. I just couldn't bear having those little fishy eyes looking at me while I ate my meal.

[All Boscastle photos in these four posts were taken by my Rare One, except for the first exterior shot of the Museum of Witchcraft]


  1. ~oh i do not think i could have gotten through my meal...i love fish and chips but to see it sitting there as is...no thank you...and then to add little eyeballs looking back...yikes! brightest blessings~

  2. I don't know what my reaction would be if an entire fish was set before me.......*****shudders*****

  3. Oh my!! I don't like my food to stare back at me!

  4. Heee-heee-ho! Oh, that cracked me up. Thanks for the laugh! Oh, those Brits....:p) xxoxo B

  5. Chips look great!! I can't hang with fish heads..Thanks for your comment Debra..yes i tried Neti Pot..did it 3 times a day !!! It helped some but I got real results when my yoga practice really kicked in...I don't even need the neti pot anymore..thanks for your advice..Cynthia

  6. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

    As someone said, not like my food to look back at me! LOL!

  7. I would have just died, right there on the spot. I just can't eat anything that looks the way it did, when it was living. Hypocritical - yes. But I just can't do it.

  8. Eep! Heads and eyes! Only thing worse are those little curled up calamari tentacles ::shudder:: The chips look nice though. I hope you did EBCBs too - eggs, bacon, chips & beans breakfasts :)

  9. bad enough they served the fish with head and eyes on...but who the hell eats peas with french fries.? them english are weird.

  10. Acckk! I couldn't do it. I love a good plate of fish and chips...but this?...um, no.

    Your Rare one is brave.

  11. teddy would have no trouble at all eating the head, eyes, fins, scales...well, you get my point! she hates to waste anything!

  12. It's when they have turned up whole in a Mexican bowl of soup that I had problems.

  13. it is quite common to get whole fish like that here too.. but not in a normal fish and chip shop. you will have to come to Australia to try our seafood.. among the best in the world I do believe :)
    we often buy grilled barramundi and chips and take it down to Echo Point and eat it for dinner looking at one of the best views in the world :)

  14. Oh my. I would have had to send it back. :)


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