Wednesday 24 February 2010

Gypsy Letter #2

Another letter finally arrived today from my AWOL cat, Madame Zara, who ran off with the gypsies earlier this month --

Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I've been busy having a whirlwind romance! Our gypsy band decided to travel down south to keep warm. So we went to Texas but damn if it didn't snow while we were there! Jeez, if I wanted snow, I should have just stayed in Canada! What freaky weather!

Anyway, we set up camp outside some town called East or West or something -- one of the four directions, I don't know. That night we danced by the fire, told fortunes, picked a couple of pockets -- you know, the usual. As I was dancing my wild gypsy dance, I noticed a handsome tom in the audience. He was definitely giving me the eye! Well, one thing soon led to another, as they say. His name is Dexter. Here's his photo:

Isn't he handsome? His eyes can go kind of crazy once in a while, but just look at his gorgeous big ruff -- almost like a lion's! And you know what they say about a big ruff! *giggle*

Dexter wined and dined me and swept me off my paws! We ate at only the finest dumpsters, like the one behind the pizza and BBQ joint. Our main course was a discarded local delicacy called a "skunk egg," if I remember correctly. We washed it down by lapping up a spilled puddle of Dublin Dr. Pepper. Yum! The vintage was superb!

Our love affair was pure heaven for the week that it lasted. But eventually, our gypsy band decided to move on because, after all, we are vagabonds. I begged Dexter to run away with us, but he refused. Turns out that little two-timing bastard had another pussy in his life the whole time -- name of Jackiesue or something -- and he wouldn't leave her for me! So you better believe I gave him a good scratching and threw the bum right out of my life!

Now my heart is broken and I've sworn off toms forever. However, I will triumph in the end and turn this whole ugly experience into Sublime Art by becoming the greatest tragic gypsy dancer that the world has ever known!

Farewell until next time! Many hugs and purrs! Love, Madame Zara


  1. ~oh madame zara...may your heart be freed of all can be so have much to live for so shake a leg and continue on your beautiful be with you always...tom cat or not...brightest blessings~

  2. Ohhhhh so glad to hear that Madame Zara will be able to use her heartbreak, to further her Art!

    Go you, Madame Zara!


  3. Hey, thanks for your comment...funny how we both have cat pics!! I hope it does get better for me.. Thank you for your encouragement!! Loved your story..Fond Regards, Cynthia

  4. dexter looks much like a cat i had long ago named ezmerelda. what a pistol that one was!!!

  5. Madame Zara is my kind of woman. I hope those gypsies roll through PA sometime. You tell her if I had her I wouldn't need to look at another kitty! Love and meow, Buster in PA.

  6. We Texans always have a way with the ladies.

  7. Ah, Madam Zara, how well I can identify with you...many broken hearts. Hopefully hers will mend soon.

  8. Madame Zara, I'm sorry to hear about your broken heart...but you will meet a better Tom someday, one who is devoted to you and you alone. Travel safely.

  9. "And you know what they say about a big ruff! *giggle*"

    Best. Cat. Line. Ever.

  10. I once had a wonderful cat called Dexter. Sadly, I think the coyotes got him.

  11. I laughed so hard I cried..and Dexter is missing him some Madam Zara.Said he'd save her some of his skunk egg.

  12. You tell Dexter . . . too little, too late, buddy!

  13. Just discovered your blog via a link JackieSue emailed me... Love this! Will be back for more... :o)

  14. Those raggle taggle gypsies'o will always break your heart. Our mother, Wendy, won't let us out to play and look for those seductive toms as we'd be gone like you, banging on tambourines and caterwauling under moonlight, heavens to Bast!
    Your pawfect friends,
    Miss Bella and Sele

  15. Madame Zara,
    You poor thing! How cruel Love can be! Take solace in your dance. And do not despair, for there is a Tom waiting for you somewhere in your travels. A Tom who will truly appreciate your Spirit, your Beauty, your ability to write (or type) without a thumb.
    Please keep us posted. And know you are always in our thoughts.

    Madame Zara Fan Club member

  16. Dexter said they'd never be another one like him..skunk egg or no skunk egg.

  17. Ah, she was wasted on him anyway.

  18. Poor Madame Zara - but she will be all the better for being rid of him - the cad!

    Loving her adventures!


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