Tuesday 9 March 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award!

Thank you so much, Faerwillow of ~serendipity~, for giving me a Beautiful Blogger Award last week! It means a lot coming from you, Faerwillow, because your own blog is especially beautiful. It's always a joy to read your imaginative and well-written posts and see the beautiful photos and illustrations you've chosen.

Here are the rules of this award:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

For my seven things to share, here's a list of my favourite foods and beverages that would comprise an ideal seven-course feast:

Spinach salad with sliced hard-boiled eggs, strawberries and balsamic vinaigrette

Miso with a wee bit of seaweed

Hummus and pita bread

Diet Coke.

A Japanese bento box with teriyaki chicken, rice, vegetable tempura and California roll

Lemon poppyseed cake

After-dinner Liqueur:
Bailey's Irish Cream

Hmmm. I don't know how well all those various flavours would meld together, so it's probably just as well that it's an imaginary meal. (And what a very large imaginary meal, to boot!)

Now it's time to nominate 15 Beautiful Bloggers to receive this award and may I just say -- you are all GOJUS and your blogs are MAHVELLUS, DAHLINKS! Readers, check them out!

Violet Hour Muse at The Violet Hour

Cynthia at beatnheart

Intuitive Goddess at Intuitive Goddess

Leviathan et al at The Lunar Gazette


  1. ~how wonderful are you...thank you for such l♥vely words! to me...you are beautiful in all you share...such wisdom you carry...if ever we meet...we all shall dine having spinach salad~extra berries for me and then a bento box...YUMMY! congrats to all who you have passed this along too...brightest blessings~

  2. Thank you Debra - I am honored.

    My tastebuds run right there alongside yours. Imaginary or not, I think that would taste pretty darn good.

  3. Congratulations, Debra. That spinach salad looks good to me. Mmm!!!

  4. Congratulations! If there was a 'beautiful commenter' award, you'd win that too! :o)

  5. Congratulations on your award! You always do go the extra mile, not only on your blog, but by reaching out to others, on theirs too.

    And what a lucious meal! From the way that I feel, and everyone else who has responded, I think you need to turn it into a banquet! lol Major Yum!!

  6. Debra, you absolutely deserve this. Your posts and layout are so lovely. Your salad happens to be my favorite too : ) Congratulations!

  7. Hi Debra, went to the wrong date (yesterday) to say Thank you for the award..opps!!

  8. Congratulations, Muffin!

    I think I see a bento box in my future. Thanks for that distraction!

  9. Ohhhhhh Congratulations!!!
    and there is indeed much love for your imaginary dinner.

  10. congrats on the award. you certainly deserve it. now i have a bunch of new blogs to check out when i have time!

  11. Congratulations! You deserve it.

    And thank you so much for nominating me, I'm honored and speechless. (though you couldn't tell by the lengthy ramblings in my blog :D)

  12. Thanks for thinking of me Debra.

    That's such a weird salad! To me anyway. I have to try it. :D

  13. Well deserved sweetheart :) You are a beautiful soul !

  14. Congrats to you!! You definitely deserve this wonderful award!!

  15. May I pleeeease come for dinner? Yum!

  16. Congratulations Debra!

    And thankyou for nominating my odd little blog. Muchos grassyarse. :-)

  17. Great list... can I please come for dinner? Pretty please.

  18. Aww thank you hon....Big swan hugs..I love it! Very well deserved on for you hon!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  19. Add some feta to that salad and wild horses couldn't keep me away ;)

    Thank you, lovely lady! I am honoured and touched. Funny thing is, I have something for you over on my blog too - completely coincidental, I swear!

    I'll be sure to find my fabulous 15 and pass on the love :)

  20. Very well-deserved Debra...you are always a pleasure to read. On behalf of the Lunar Gazette authors, thank you for the award...hmmm you are shaming me into writing some more, I have been slacking while my coauthors have been slaving away...

  21. Thank You Debra,
    I'm honored, especially since
    I have much respect for your blog.

  22. Thank you...very belatedly. What an unexpected and sweet surprise...

  23. That meal certainly does sound intersting! :)

    Congrats on your award.


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