Wednesday 10 March 2010

Welcome Home, Renee

I am so very sad to learn that Renee of Circling My Head has passed away. She touched innumerable lives with her open and loving heart. The world and the blogosphere will be a poorer place now that she is gone.

May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, Renee.

Perhaps the birds circling your head were angels all along.


  1. I don't know who Renee was but I'm sorry for your loss.

  2. That was beautiful hon...I think you are right..they were always angels. Sending gentle hugs to you this morning hon..we all love her so. Love, Sarah

  3. I hate this dreaded disease. I read the last few entries of her blog, a kind soul.

  4. Oh my heart breaks to hear this news. She has truly been a blessing in all our lives. I still carry around the Christmas card that she sent me as a reminder that a wonderful soul is out there thinking of me, and I of her.

  5. Oh, that's awful - very sorry to hear that.

  6. I didn't know your friend, but I'm so sorry...



  7. I didn't get to know Renee well...just joined her blog not too long ago...but she seemed like such a special person...a heroine. She is with tha Angels now.

  8. ~you couldn't have chosen a more perfect picture to relect this moment...breathtaking and beautiful words to remember your dear friend...i am sorry...much l♥ve and light be with you...brightest blessings~

  9. What a sadness...I hope that she has been brought peace! I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.

  10. Renee was such an angel here on earth.
    Helping so many even in her own struggles.

    Her loss is going to be huge!
    Much love is set free~

  11. So sorry for the loss of your friend.

    The photo and tribute are awesome.

  12. I didnt know her either, but she is in a beautiful place now and does not know pain any longer. From what I can see in blogland, she was well loved and I am terribly sorry I did not get a chance to meet her.



  13. Those who bloom in the hearts of others never fade away...

  14. sending you lots of love xoxo
    I didn't know Renee.. but a blog loss is just as hard to deal with as a loss in your off line life... make sure you take time to grieve & nurture yourself lots xoxo

  15. I always love the links and people you recommend or mention, so I'm sorry that I didn't get to know Renee. Death is never easy, whatever the circumstances are. Sending you blessings of peace and faith and wishing Renee's spirit to have light wings as she joins the angels.

  16. What a nice tribute you have for your friend.I am sure she will be smiling down to you.

  17. so sorry for the loss of your friend...

  18. That your friend will be missed by many and will live in your heart is the greatest tribute to her. May she rest in peace.

  19. Oh my... I'm going to be sick. I made a post on Facebook today about IBC.. Even more, I have a post planned for Friday about IBC and have Renee linked in it... Wish I had discovered Renee sooner. May she find peace after all the pain and her family, comfort.

  20. I am sorry not to know her when she is around.. Sorry for your loss

  21. oh how I miss her too...I have a little momento to darling Renee over at my place if you'd like to visit...

  22. I still can't believe she's gone.
    Blogger definitely lost somebody special in Renee.


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