Tuesday 2 March 2010

Canada Owns the Gold Podium!

Just one more post about the Olympics!

The last two times that Canada hosted the Olympics (Montreal 1976 and Calgary 1988), we didn't win a single gold medal on home turf. So that was our goal this time -- to win a gold medal at home. We didn't really mean to win the most gold medals of any country participating in the 2010 Games. And we didn't really mean to win the most gold medals ever won at any Winter Olympics by a single country. It just happened, honest!

But oh, how sweet it is! So we're just going to bask in this glory for a little while, okay? Like, until the end of time!!


  1. Congrats to you and Canada. I didn't watch much of it. I love baseball, but not much else in sports.

  2. Loved the Olympics.. didn't enjoy the CTV 'Entertainment Tonight' style coverage though... the athletes were amazing - 14 gold medals!! I loved the finale - Sidney Crosby scoring in overtime - wow!!! But over $6Billion over budget saddens me... our future generations will pay for these gold medals with their lack of prosperity... sorry to be a downer.

  3. Congratulations Canada! Team GB only won a single gold - in the women's skeleton. :o)

  4. ~congrats to you and your country...how proud you should be...hard work determination and such spirit you all have and showed! we'll allow you to savor such a GREAT moment! brightest blessings~

  5. Yeah Canada - I agree with everything you said! Our athletes made us proud.

  6. You Canadians, like it isn't enough you have the best maple syrup AND bacon, now you have get to claim some of the top athlete's of the world? Sheesh, life is just unfair sometimes ; ) Congrats to a well-deserved victory, eh?

  7. Congratulations Canada :) Not watched much appart from the late night curling and bob sleigh just before bedtime :)

  8. i was sooo excited that syd made that overtime shot and won for canada!!!!

  9. Yes my Dear, you may bask in it, for as long as your heart desires.



  10. I was pulling for Canada to win the hockey game and that made for quite a messy evening. My husband is under the impression I'm a communist now. So congrats, Canada. Thanks for ruining my marriage. Also? Giant inflatable beavers and Nickelback, Canada? I'm so disappointed in you...

  11. I'm so happy and proud for the teams and their country...you rock

  12. Woo hoo! So proud to be a Canadian! Love all that gold!


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