Monday 1 March 2010

Olympics Fever

Now, I'm not the biggest sports fan in the world but for the past 2 weeks I have been glued, SIMPLY GLUED, to the TV set watching the 2010 Olympics from Vancouver. I'm exhausted! Who knew that being a spectator could be so draining? The highs! The lows! The medals! OMG, the medals!

I wanted to post a video of Nikki Yanofsky singing "I Believe" (love it and love her!) but discovered that CTV has prevented any of their official Olympic material from being embedded off YouTube. So here's a Bell commercial instead! It features some of Canada's best 2010 Olympians and (I believe) Pinchas Zukerman conducting Ottawa's National Arts Centre Orchestra.


  1. I'm so jealous when I read all these olympic posts... they have not posted one teeny, tiny second of it here :0(

  2. oh darn..i couldn't get the video to work! is it me? i watched the men's hockey last night and i was hoping canada would get the gold. i lived in toronto for years and my son was born there. plus, sid crosby plays for our home team. i predicted that he would be the hero and sure enough he dd it! yahoo!!!!!

  3. I was just thinking, how boring evening TV is going to be, no checking in on the Olympics!

    Much triumph, but also some tragedy and heartbreak and even some poor sportsmanship, which I found really offending.

  4. Oh dear! Is the video not working for everyone? Let me know if it's not playing for you! Thanks, Jaz, for mentioning this issue.

  5. I haven't been watching it, but I saw on the news this morning what a great game it was last night. Now, I am sorry I missed it.

  6. I just reloaded, and it came up just fine.

    I mentally groaned, and listened to everyone in the stands do the same when the games were officially declared closed. How does one go back to normal activity after such a magical time? It is like the post holiday let down, maybe even worse, because it was continual for 2 weeks!

    It began with a tragedy, and there some displays of poor sportsmanship, but both of those things have happened in Olympic history. Somehow, the games continue on.

    There was also the heartfelt drama of the Canadian skater, whose Mom had a fatal heart attack after arriving to watch her daughter skate. And the girl went on to medal in her Mom's honor. You felt the support of the whole stadium giving her a huge collective hug.

    All of those staged "reality" shows pale in comparison to these last two weeks.

    And now we wait. .for 4 more years.

    Yes, it is going to be hard to get back to everyday television viewing and find something comparable.

    I'll console myself by reading wonderful blogs!

  7. I can view this in the UK. Thanks for posting. :o)

  8. BTW...congrats on that big hockey win yesterday!!! What a game!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS! Especially on the Hockey Gold!

    Now.... Go take a nap, to catch up on your sleep.


  10. Hi Debra, Congrats on your beautiful Canada hosting this year!! I want to go up there now...Drove to Montreal when I was a teen (from Wisconsin) it was so awesome...Thank you so much for your post so said the right thing...I read it outloud to English husband and started to cry in the middle of reading it...bless..Cynthia

  11. a big fat raspberry for all that didn't watch.they put on a great show and i so much more enjoyed the singing of their national anthem than watching ours mumble thru jose can you see...we need to get smart and change it to america the beautiful...

  12. I still get shivers seeing those images! I didn't think I cared one bit about the Olympics, until I got bit by the bug! I was smitten! Thanks for the great commercial!

  13. Thanks for the vid with cool clips of these gifted olymians...congrats on the game last night!

    are you feeling postpartum olympic let down yet?

  14. I am into Olympic withdrawal!

  15. Yes . . . Laura . . . Judith . . . my hands are shaking, man, I need a fix bad. BAD! Bobsleigh, speed skating, curling . . . anything will do, anything!

  16. ~my oldest is feeling the same emotions as you...this one is eating dreaming breathing sleeping with one eye open to absorb everybit of it...your rest will come soon enough...brightest blessings~

  17. I wasn't able to watch the Olympics thanks to DirecTV. Grrr.
    I sure wish I could have though.



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