Wednesday 17 March 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sure, an' tis a grand day for to be gettin' drunk and havin' that tattoo done what ye've always been hankerin' for. Ye know that St. Pat hisself would approve, now. Sure, an' ye should have seen what HE had tattooed on his arse, the old divil what was. Go now -- the Guinness awaits ye.


  1. I can't decide what the expression on his face is

    Getting drunk and getting a tattoo; sounds ideal...

  2. I think I'd rather have a Bushmills!

    Happy St Patrick's Day! :o)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'll pass on the tat, please. >,-)

    ♣♣♣Happy St. Patrick's Day♣♣♣

  5. ~wishing you a luck filled day...hhhmmm just got a new tattoo so i don't know if hubby would be willing to fork over more cash for me to celebrate this this day...guess i shall pass too...looking forward to a beer to two...brighest blessings~

  6. And a Happy St. Patty's Day to you, too.

  7. I already have six tatt.'s but none for the Celt's yet. And if I was going to get a tattoo for the Irish, it wouldn't be dedicated to St. Pat who drove the snakes away which were creatures of the Goddess'. Go drink some green beer instead, lol..

  8. i have a Scottish thistle tat on my foot! i guess that doesn't count today though!

  9. OUCH!! lug the pic of St.Patrick..An awesome bit of stained glass in some glorious church somewhere.. Have a Guiness on me..I don''t need St.P's Day for that , happens to be my drink of choice for all occasions..

  10. Jana, I was thinking the same thing, like he's kind of worried he's being misquoted. Either that, or fuzzy memories of college days are haunting him, now that he's reputable and a saint and all. He looks like he's really really hoping no one else asks about that tattoo...

    That, and that he looks an awful lot like an ex of mine. Hmmm.

  11. my tattoo's look nothing like that..(eight ball and a dallas cowboys helmet) i like it a lot..
    st. patty's the cause of to many dead pagans for me to like this holiday..

  12. Love the tattoo! I've given you a second nomination for the Sunshine Award!

  13. Hmm... not being Irish, at all, I think I'll pass on the tattoo. Maybe I should get my arse tattooed with the Macfarlane tartan. That's an idea that I hadn't thought of, before.

  14. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm married to an Irishman, so the day has been about a lot of love, hugs and kisses. I also notice his accent gets much more pronounced on St. Pat's Day!

  15. Love the tatoo - but I'd hate to have to translate it for everyone all the time! Maybe just a nice Celtic knot for me....

    He does look like a rather sour fellow!

  16. Okay, it takes talent for your writing to *sound* Irish. Way to go. :)


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