Thursday 18 March 2010

Photo Tag!

Thanks, Julie at The Domestic Witch and Faerwillow at ~serendipity~, for tapping my shoulder in the Photo Tag game currently making the rounds! The rules are:

1. Go to your first photo file and pick the 10th photo in it.
2. Tell the story behind the photo.
3. Tag 5 other people to do likewise.

Here's my photo:

This is the Duomo in Florence, Italy, a huge cathedral built at the height of Florence's power and wealth as a city state during the Renaissance. Its massive dome (seen here over intervening roof tops) was an engineering marvel at the time and later inspired Michelangelo when he designed the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
I took this photo in early October, 2008 from the outdoor terrace restaurant of the Uffizi Art Gallery. My Rare One and I had just spent a lovely morning viewing the great art masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. This day was a dream come true for me and I shall always remember it.
Now, here's who I'm tagging, ha ha!
Jana at The Little Black Book
Twain12 at Eye in the Sky
Donna B at Mystical Journeys
Karen at This Old House
Patsy at Musings on a 100lbs+ Weight Loss Journey


  1. ~aaahhh...i knew you would pull out some wondrous site for us to very beautiful...thanks for playing along...brightest blessings~

  2. What a glorious view! Thank you for sharing. :0)

  3. I'm going to chicken out on this one, but thanks for thinking of me ♥ Great Picture

  4. What a beautiful building! You've seen so many special places.

  5. Wow - Italy, Glastonbury - you two get around! What a beautiful experience!

  6. Great idea! I'm gonna do this on my blogpad too:


  7. lovely photo...out of curosity i checked my 10th's of freya with horns..

  8. Oh blimey! Saw the photo and thought "what a cool game" and then discovered my name in your list! I think I store pics in every folder but the one marked 'pictures'. However, I have a number of folders in it, so I'll choose the first pic from the 10th folder!

    I'll post about it tomorrow - thank you! :o)

    Back to your photo... Craig's family is Italian (from Naples) and Italy is on our 'to do' list - he hasn't been since he was a teenager!

  9. Hi Debra, thanks so much for thinking of me to do this along with you guys. I won’y tell you what the picture is about but I will surely write about it today or tomorrow.

    Your pic btw is amazing. You have such an eye for detail which results in beautiful pictures.

  10. Congratulations on you doing a Give-Away.

    But since I never did one, I don't join in any. Since it doesn't feel 'right' to me, to do so. Please understand.

  11. I wish I had a cool picture like this to display as my 10th! LOL


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