Friday 19 March 2010

Please Enter My Giveaway!

Well, I said I would have my first giveaway when my Followers List broke 100 and now that magical event has occurred! Thank you, everyone who is following along with my blog, or who has done so in the past. I'm very appreciative of your interest in my blatherings.

Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of Abundance. Seated on a sacred lotus, She is always dressed in red and adorned with valuable jewellry. An endless stream of gold coins pours from her open hand. Lakshmi brings not only financial abundance, but also all the good things money can't buy -- love, friendship, good health, wonderful children, etc. Needless to say, She is a popular Goddess.

Enter my giveaway for a chance to win the pictured statue of the Goddess Lakshmi! Six inches high, She was made in India of sacred Ganges clay and is beautifully hand-painted. I obtained Her from Sacred Source, a great on-line shop that sells all kinds of Divine statues and jewellry. Also included in the giveaway are two mesh packages of lovely chocolate gold coins to represent Her blessings of prosperity. Plus a honkin' big chocolate Canadian coin (or possibly an Olympic gold medal . . . it's hard to tell).

The rules for entering the contest are straightforward:

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up in order to enter the contest, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail it anywhere!

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave me a comment on this post that you want to enter the contest.

3. One entry per person (leaving 10 comments will still only result in 1 entry!)

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time) on Wednesday, March 24, 2010.

5. The draw will be made on Thursday, March 25 and the results posted here on Friday, March 26.

Good luck! May Lakshmi smile upon you!


  1. Hi Debra let me be the first to enter this giveaway...hope I win!

    Congrats to crossing the 100 followers know there are lots more who will read and love your blog right?

  2. ~you made your milestone of exciting!! congrats and may you continue to bless us with your writings for many more days to come...thanks for the gracious giveaway...what fun! brightest blessings~

  3. Congratulations on reaching your milestone. Glad to be a part of your wonderful blog. Oh, my, what a wonderful giveaway. Please consider me entered.

  4. Lakshmi is one of my favorite Hindu Goddesses, I would LOVE this statue.

    Congrats on 100 followers, you're so entirely fabulous you'll be having a 200 follower give-away in no time.

  5. happy dancing for you hon...100 followers all well deserved as I adore you and your blog!!
    So I am a follower and I would dearly love to give this sweet Goddess a home right here with me!!
    Wonderful giveaway hon..please add me to your list!
    Hugs and congrats, Sarah

  6. I'm here! :)

    I'm a follower and will happily participate in your giveaway. The statue is lovely.

    Thank you!

  7. I'm FINALLY doing the google follower thing - JUST FOR YOU. There's the love.

  8. Would love to enter this competition! Thank you for inviting entrants from around the world. :o)

  9. WooHoo...100!!!



  10. oh she'd look great next to my goddess's...i thought i was already a follower..but not sure signed up..

  11. That one hundred follows mark is very well deserved Debra!sorry I haven't been around, been wrestling with my laptop! The laptop has won! May I join in?

  12. Congrats on your big 100 :) please put my name in the cauldron, she would love lovely on my altar :)
    Many bright blessings and may Lakshmi shower you with her abundance too x

  13. Lakshmi is lovely - and I'd take gold or chocolate any day - they are worth about the same to me - lol! May you have 100 more followers in no time!

  14. Congratulations on reaching 100! Please sign me up for the sweet giveaway...lovely Lakshmi...

    May you soon have another 100 followers...

  15. Hey Debra (I am not entering as I don't follow blogs much... just have my favourites list on my computer list ox)... but wanted to say thanks so much for being there for me over the past weeks. I felt each of my blogging friends with me on Thursday and know that I can get through whatever the results are next Friday. sending blessings from here in Woodford xo

  16. I came over from Donna B's blog, and had quite a pleasant surprise when I saw a picture of Lakshmi here.

    I am from India, and she's a part of my cultural heritage that I take for granted. But it is always pleasant to see her popping up at unexpected places.

    Sending her back to India wouldn't make much sense, would it? But chocolate coins are always welcome.

  17. First, a big congratulations on reaching the grand 100 mark! That is quite an accomplishment!
    And second, what a unique and special giveaway you've chosen!
    If Lakshmi decides that she want to come and live in my home, she will be very welcome, and given a place of honor! The chocolate will be very welcome, as well, although with their symbolism, I'm not sure that they would meet their demise.
    May you reach your next hundred with lightning speed!

  18. Congratulations on 100 followers! It's been my pleasure to visit your blog. Happy to enter the chance to win such a delightful looking prize!

  19. What a beautiful blog- I am happy to have found it and look forward to reading more in the future! I've just followed you, and would love to be part of this giveaway. Many blessings, Kiki

  20. Oh yes please!!! enter me in your contest..Congrats on your 100th follower...You deserve a 100 more..blessings..Cynthia

  21. Thanks for the great giveaway ( :

    A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

  22. Hi Debra...abundance in all of the above sounds good to me (particularly chocolate):) although love and money are good too.

  23. Oh I could definitely use some Lakshmi energy right about now!

    Signed up to be a follower; do please put my name in the hat.

  24. Congratulations on hitting 100! woo hoo! Doesn't is make your heart shine with happiness knowing that there are those who derive joy from your writings and thoughts? Yes, indeed, we do!

    Lakshami, the Goddess of Abundance. My life is so abundant I don't know if more can fit into it, but that's for the Universe to determine, I guess.

    I think that I shall clear a space on my altar for Lakshmi ... or for whatever will manifest for that space if someone else wins the giveaway.


  25. Congrats!!!
    The giveaway is very generous of you, Of course I will enter!

    Btw, I am still getting around to posting a thanks & all on my blog... It's been crazy busy with
    readings this past 2 weeks.

  26. I am so glad to have found your blog. I have found it to be delightful. Congrats on 100. I'm a little past that. Please enter me in your contest and thanks for the idea. Johnina (JPY) :^D

  27. Heeeey, I didn't know you could follow a blogspot blog without an account! I learned something :) I can haz entry? Got to order myself one of their Sekhmet statues - so beautiful!

  28. You made a 100 followers! (I got some writing to do.)

    I would loove be entered in your contest, so here goes...

    Oh, great Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess of all things great and good. Please bestowe upon me good health, love and happiness...and lots of those who are without.

    *Snap, snap. Twist! And turns like Wonder Woman. Blast of powerful golden light*

    All is well is the world.

  29. Congrats!! on 100
    I'm a newbie and hope someday to have at least 5 followers. The Goddess is beautiful. I'm still learning how to blog.

  30. Abundance is a good thing. Unless we are talking anal lesions or something other malady.

  31. Congratulations on reaching 100... or 113 now... followers. Such a generous giveaway. :) xx


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