Monday 29 March 2010

A Short Hiatus

I'm taking a short hiatus from the blogosphere (10-14 days probably) while I have surgery to remove a benign polyp which has taken up residence in my colon. The freeloading little bastard is scarfing down my nutrients and trying to grow large enough to become a blockage. Well, we'll just see about that, my fine friend!

The surgery is on Wednesday and then I'll spend a few days in hospital. My Rare One is going to nurse me when I get home. I already have a small brass handbell with which to summon her so that she may attend to my every wish and need. Hee hee, yeah, precisely.

I'll let you know how I'm doing when I get home. Hopefully, I'll be able to do some fairly regular blogging while recuperating.


  1. Sending positive thoughts your way for a rapid recovery!

  2. Wishing you well and smooth sailing!

  3. ~declare war on that little skittle!! i am sorry to here you will be down...well wishes and blessing for you before during and after your surgery...may you recover quickly...our thoughts will be with you and awaiting your return...skittle..sometimes i do wonder where you find such pictures!! l♥ve and brightest blessings to you deborah~

  4. My wishes to you for a safe surgery and speedy recovery. I gave my Littleman a small brass bell when he has his tonsils out and within an hour I was regretting that move ; )

  5. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sending positive energies your way. Even though you are only going to be gone a short time, I will miss you.

  6. Hope all goes well for your surgery and you're back with us again soon! I had polyps removed from my womb, so I can (sort of!) empathise...

    Take care

    Patsy x

  7. speedy recovery...all the best !!

  8. Here's nothing but best wishes for you to get well and have a safe surgery!!

  9. I wish you well sweetheart. Take care of yourself and we are all senidng healing energy your way.

    See you when you return <3

  10. It would probably be really selfish to say 'no, no, nooooo, please don't leave us....' so I will just say I hope you get better soon instead... Real soon :0)

  11. I'll be sending you lots of positive energy and healing thoughts.
    Glad you caught that nasty little bugger...
    Speedy recovery...keep that bell close to hand. {{{ }}}

  12. wishing you much luck and positive energy on the surgery! i love the pic!!!

  13. Hope all goes well and you are back with us quickly :)

    Hmmm...what should your dear Rare One be given during this time? I offer a bottle of Excedrin and her favourite alcohol (both are optional) along with a lovely little brass hammer to go with your bell ;)

    You will be missed until you return.

  14. Oh Debra, I do hope you make a smooth recovery! Your rare one will take very good care of you I am sure! I will miss you!xx

  15. the kit pic. But not so thrilled about your surgery!! You take good care of you hon! Sending healing and love your way hon!! Hugs, Sarah

  16. sending healing and good thoughts, hope you feel better soon

  17. Heal up soon! Sending good vibes and best wishes.

  18. will run up to st. mary's and light a candle and ask Jesus' mama to take care of you with a little help from the Goddess..So far I'm batting a 100 with prayers to her.
    take care of I'm going to worry about you..
    ask your loved one to maybe post a little comment to let us know how your doing..

  19. Sending you many many blessings. Good riddance to the troll!!! As for the brass bell, yeah...good luck with that (don't go too crazy or it may end up where the troll Be well and we'll see you back and better than ever!

  20. I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow. Please take it easy and recover quickly!

  21. Healing thoughts and wishes heading your way hun :) speedy recovery and speedy return to blogland keep smiling xx

  22. I wish you well and that is one hilarious picture.

  23. Blessings on yer. Enjoy a little pampering in recovery. Will look forward to your return! :)

  24. Wishing you a safe surgery and speedy yet restful recovery. Hugs and bright blessings.

  25. Take full advantage of being a lady of leisure - and healing thoughts are sent in your direction...

  26. I hope you heal quickly! Tumors can't be any fun. Still, you'll show it who's boss. :)

  27. May the Doctor's hands be guided by the gods! A perfect surgery and quick recovery for you! Lots of hugs and healing energy coming your way...

  28. A world of healing energy for you, and to your Rare One, for it seems that some heavy work is on the way lol.

    P.S. You you get better, you need to post a picture of the bell ;-D

  29. BEST wishes!!!

    And lots of gentle hugs...

  30. Best of luck and a quick healing to you and your bum ;-)

    The photo is hilarious!!

    Have fun with the brass bell, hee hee!

    If you can, let us know what time the surgery is so we can focus on you ...


  31. Sending white light and good thoughts your way dearest Debra she who is magnificent...all the best..Cynthia

  32. Thank you, everyone, for your good wishes and kind thoughts! It means a great deal to me, dear ones!

    Jaliya, my surgery is tomorrow morning from approximately 8:00 a.m. to noon (Mountain Daylight Time).

    Yellowdog Granny, I am teaching my Rare One how to post an update on the blog!

  33. Speedy recovery, Debra, it's always something isn't it? I hope all goes well and will send healing thoughts your way -

  34. May the healing force be with you!!

    Best wishes on a speedy recovery!


  35. Take care, Debra. I am sure it will go off well.

    Waiting for you to get back in action.


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