Wednesday 31 March 2010

Update on Debra's Surgery

The laparoscopy colon surgery was a success today. However, the Surgeon did express surprise at size of the polyp he removed.

Debra is breathing, although shallow, a sigh of relief that the day went well and is thankful for the effects of "good drugs"!

And again, Debra sends her greetings to all - along with a heartfelt thanks for all the well wishes.

- this message was sent by "Her Rare One" (P.S. thanks for the candle power Yellowdog - it worked again!)


  1. So happy to hear that everything went well. Wishing for her to get well soon.

  2. oh my lord.. I didn't know!!
    I am thinking of you sweet Debra xoxo.. rest up
    will put you in my little prayer book and surround you with hearts.. & lighting a candle in front of Mother Mary on my altar xoxo

  3. Thank you for so kindly posting an update, Rare One! (I had to giggle when I typed that since you're not MY Rare One but Debra's.) Anyway, I'm very happy that things went well and glad that the larger-than-expected little freeloader has been booted outta there. Wishing her a very happy recovery that takes as long as she needs to be back in good health again and getting all the nutrients she needs.

  4. I'm SO happy that everything went well, and continue to send good energy for Debra's quick recovery!

    Thank you so much for letting us know!

  5. Giver her my best, i'm glad she made it through the OP akright♥
    speedy recovery!!

  6. Hello there "Rare one"!Lovely to meet you! I am glad Debra's feeling better and got that nasty polyp removed!Thanks for letting us know and I wish Debra all the best in her recovery! ((hugs))

  7. Thank you for the update.
    Will be keeping her in my thoughts. ♥

  8. ~how sweet you are to update us and thank you for taking the time to do so...i know there are many of us wondering and waiting to hear only good news! well wishes and healing blessings as debra recovers~

  9. Thanks for keeping you updated... Many blessings for a quick recovery!

  10. good news!!!! tell debra hi and give her a big hug! she is lucky to have the rare one!!!

  11. I'm breathing a little easier, now. Thanks for the update! Yay for drugs!

  12. Please tell Debra I am thinking of her and miss her dearly. Sending prayers and positive energy her way. Mary

  13. Thanks for the update :) I am glad she is going well.

  14. wonderful news...will keep up the candles and prayers..i may not believe in much but i do think there is healing properties in prayers.and the candles are cool to look at while you pray..hugs and a big bag pipe greeting..

  15. Many prayers, candles and good vibes in y'alls direction.

  16. Healing thoughts come Debra's way..

  17. I had a dream about Debra last night. I can't remember what it was, but it was a good one. Hopefully that's a good omen that she'll have a quick recovery!

  18. Great that the surgery was a success... hopefully she will be up and about very soon and creating havoc again with you 'her rare one' and us 'her stalkers' ;0)

  19. Hooray!!!!!!

    And thank you so much, for giving us a report.

    Gentle hugs...

  20. More blessings! Hope all continues to proceed as planned.

  21. My Blessings & Well Wishes to Debra!!!!
    Sending a little magick your way...

  22. Wishing Debra a speedy recovery. Look forward to seeing you back on the blogs!

  23. OMG, Debra, I missed this. I hope all is well and that it was really nothing to worry about. Geez. Guess I need to stop putting off mine....Take care, hon. Feel better.
    Hugs!!! Barbara

  24. Hey, there's a blog award waiting for you at my blog when you get back from the hospital.

  25. Wonderful news. Sending further healing eneergy her way.


  26. Thanks for the updates and info on Debra. Sending her lots of positive vibes and many, many hugs. Take care and get better very soon.


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