Thursday 8 April 2010

At home now, recuperating

(I have no idea why the preceding paragraph is blue and underlined. Moreover, I can't figure out how to fix it. So fine, be like that, @#$*!!!)

Thank you again, everyone, for your kind comments and healing wishes over the past week. I really do appreciate all those loving gestures and believe they made all the difference!

Anyway, now I must take it easy for 6-8 weeks, get lots of rest, don't lift anything too heavy, etc. Of course, I'll be eating lots of medicinal chicken noodle soup . . .

. . . and being nursed back to health by my Rare One (actual unretouched photo). She has been so lovingly attentive, helpful and unfailingly patient over the past week. I really don't know how I would have got through this without her! *smooch*

So when I got home, there was a small pile of mail waiting for me -- bills, flyers, junk mail, the usual. Plus a letter from Madame Zara! I'll share it with you tomorrow, once I'm over the shock of the news that it contains.


  1. I hope your recovery is quick with limited ouchiness. :)


  2. Welcome back. Glad it went off well, and I can't wait to hear the news!

    And it is blue and underlined because the text is coming withing the area demarkated for the picture. You'll have to fiddle with the html to get rid of it (avoidable), but to make sure it doesn't happen in future, you type in a bit of text first, then add the pictures.

    ~ Rayna

  3. Oh, thanks, Rayna! That's one mystery solved!

  4. ~welcome home...happy to hear all went well...we have missed your presence! well wishes and brightest blessings upon you always~

  5. Welcome home sunshine . . . glad to see you back with us. Take it easy and get lots of rest!


  6. Great to hear from you!!!!!!!

    But we also appreciated to hear a report on you, by your Rare One as well.

    Rest. Follow doc's orders. Gentle hugs...

  7. welcome home! glad you are feeling better! can't wait to hear the madame zara news!

  8. Welcome back :) i bet its good to be home. Rest up and take it easy xxx

  9. Welcome home, my friend. I've missed you. Glad it all went well for you. I've had the blue type and underlining happen to me when somehow I type too close to the picture. I delete the picture and try and try again, but once done, I find it when that happens, I just type first and then add the picture...but I am a blogging nerd so I am sure there is an easier way.

  10. Welcome home! Now that you are home, healing will go much faster ... that's just the way things work when you are someplace where you are surrounded by love.

  11. Welcome Home, Debra! We missed you, and have been keeping you in our thoughts!

    With THAT kind of TLC, I can see why you are healing so fast! lol My daughter would especially agree, although my dear daughter-in-law might not be too happy about that!

    And while I'm curious as to what the mighty Madame Zara has been up to, I can't help but be disappointed in her, that she didn't take the time from her travels, to come and at least visit with you while you were in the hospital. I know they probably have restrictions on allowing furry friends, but this would have been the perfect opportunity for her to don her bangles & beads, wrapped a therapy cat bandana round her head, and belly danced her way up and down the halls until she found you!

    I'm continuing to send you healing energies so that you'll be better than new in record time!

  12. Wonderful to hear from you Debra! I'm so happy your recovery continues to go well.

  13. Welcome Home!
    Brightest Blessings sent your way...

  14. Oh hon, so glad you are home and on your way to feeling better! I am thinking though..that you should get a less attractive thinking this will not help recovery;)Take care of you hon and rest! Hugs, Sarah

  15. welcome back, and glad to hear the worst is over. Take it easy and enjoy some down-time.


    that's a link to fix the blue links, grrrr. And welcome back!!! You've been very missed. May the angels of healing bless you with a quick recuperation and continued good health.

  17. i knew the Goddess would come thru..I lit so many candles for you st. mary's had to up their fire insurance.
    welcome back and rest

  18. Oh Debra, I hope you get well soon...Missed your shiny face and bright comments...The place ain't the same without you so get well soon....

  19. So glad that you are home...missed you around the blogosphere.

    Do take it easy, get plenty of rest, and get well soon. *hugs* and bright blessings.

  20. I'm glad you're feeling much better than you did a few days ago.

    And Blogger is being weird...I'm having trouble with comments on my blog. Agh.

    And you really know how to do a cliff hanger. I can't wait to hear about Madam Zora's next letter.

  21. So glad you are back and recovery is setting in! I will leave you on my healing altar for another moon :-) Bless Bless*

  22. I am so glad all went well. The human body is so amazing. Have you driven the rare one crazy with the bell yet??? LOL. Take care and take it easy. xo

  23. You were missed!!! So glad to have you back. Happy recuperation and healing.

  24. Glad you are on the mend! Sending good wishes!

  25. So happy you are home and healing!

  26. Hi Debra. Glad your surgery was a success, and they removed the "freeloading" polyp! (that made me LOL!) Lucky it didn't extend to a bowel obstruction, and I hope you didn't get any grumpy nurses taking care of you! Liana.


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