Monday 19 April 2010

Laughter is Not Always the Best Medicine

As part of her nursing devotion while I was in hospital, my Rare One brought in the newspaper and proceeded to read me the headlines. Part way through the first section, she read out a particularly gruesome one -- "Murder victim's tongue found in river."

Oh, my!

Then, after a short pause, she said, "No, wait -- touque, not tongue."

This misreading struck me (for some quirky reason) as absolutely hilarious and I started to laugh uncontrollably. So did my Rare One. But the pressure on my stomach from laughing caused me horrible pain at the main incision site and I soon started crying uncontrollably instead. It was awful!

My Rare One felt bad but I reassured her that it was my weird sense of humour that was to blame. However, we didn't dare read any more headlines after that!

So, Reader's Digest, you have been proven WRONG -- laughter is NOT always the best medicine!


  1. How funny! The misread headline that is...not you laughing till you cried.

    Hope you are on the mend! :0)

  2. That incision pain can definitely get the best of you. Especially when it's midline.

    I do hope you're recovering well and getting lots of rest.

    I also wanted to let you know, I received your package a few days ago!!! :)

    We were all so thrilled with everything. The kids particularly liked the chocolate. LOL

    Thank you so much, my friend.

    Much love to you!

  3. Oh, I can just feel the pain, but it was kind of funny. Glad you are doing better now.

  4. You were probably hopped on on pain meds which made the laughter ever more laughery.

  5. oh no! too funny.... and not. :)

  6. LOL! Shame Debra, unfortunately everything seems to be funny when you're not supposed to laugh! Bright Blessings*

  7. Well, everyone has head the saying "it only hurts when I laugh"..I'm just glad your emotions were tickled or the tongue/toque. No more silly stuff until you're absolutely well then! Then just some belly-ache laughs! ;)

  8. That's why they call it "gut busting humor." You also probably shouldn't play goalie for a few weeks. :)

  9. Oh gosh! I'm glad you didn't bust a gut! *groan* Sorry - that was really bad. Still - I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Laughter is quite a workout on your core when you get going, isn't it?

    Take care of yourself - and read some bland news if you must!

  10. ha ha only hurts when you laugh???!!!

  11. i know that feeling - you want nothing more but to laugh but it hurts. hope you are feeling better. hugs!!

  12. oh I remember that when I had my hysterectomy and my pal kept telling me jokes, not funny when it split the stitches.
    Hope you are feeling much better, good to see you posting once more:)

  13. Oh Debra! Thats sounds sore! least you were having a good belly laugh at the time! Hope you are on a speedy recovery and hope all is well in your world! ((hugs!!))

  14. That's funny! And how totally sweet of your Rare One to sit and read the paper for you. I love it when someone reads to me. But I have to ask: who uses the term "toque" any more? Great word, but I'll bet most people read it as "tongue," too.

    Happy healing!

  15. Oh sigh... That hurts, just to read about it. Eeeeek!!! Your laughing till you hurt yourself, I mean.

  16. Ha ha OUCH! Ha ha OUCH!

    No Jim Carey movies for you! Be careful and heal soon. Sending you healing, positive thoughts and energy.

  17. awwwww,,,so sorry for your pain but i laughed hysterically and it didn't hurt at all! funny!

  18. Ooooh, I'm sorry that it hurt you, but I have to admit, the twisted tongue provided a very funny faux pas.

    No doubt your pain meds assisted in your light-hearted take on it. .but then, I'm not on pain-killers, and I still thought it was funny. Gross, but funny!

    I hope that you have healing quickly so that you can laugh your sides off! We all need to do that once in a while.

  19. your lucky you didn't laugh your ass off.

  20. ~i can relate to this...i had my gallbladder removed last year and was in the hospital for a few days...i think by day two my husband was delirious from doing nothing but starring at me while i slept in and out and soon he began cracking jokes...trying to keep me awake...all in good times i stated laughing and then crying so hard from the pain...we never realize until such area is affected how painful it can be...i am all to sorry you had to feel it...but it was quite the headline! warm wishes and brightest blessings~


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