Tuesday 20 April 2010

A Second Near-Fatal Dose of Laughter

I was encouraged to walk as much as possible in hospital in order to kick-start the old bowels again. One evening, when I was hobbling around the hospital's main floor with my Rare One, she suddenly asked, "Do you have any money on you?" Slowly and with some difficulty, I pulled out my little change purse from my housecoat pocket. "Great!" she said, snatching it from me and turning away to rifle through its contents. "Ooooh, a fiver and a ten! That'll be enough!"

"Help, help!" I called out in a weak voice, "I've been mugged! I'm only a poor surgery patient, minding my own business, and this big, strong, healthy person has just mugged me!"

This sent us both into gales of laughter, with predictable results for me (as per yesterday's post). In all fairness, though, I recognize my own role in promoting this painful episode, so it's not entirely fair to blame this near-fatal incident solely on my Rare One!


  1. Get better soon! You need to be able to defend yourself.

  2. Giggle snort...oh hon..I am blowing coffee through my nose..and gived I had oral sugery a couple of days ago..well owwwwww.
    But..giggle..can't help it and clearly not anything compared to what you have been through! Glad you are on the mend..gentle hugs. One to your DH for taking good care of you too!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  3. Sorry you had to have surgery...and the mugging, hhmmm, hopefully some delightful doctor returned your funds...

  4. sounds like rare one knows just what to do to put you in a good mood...The best to both of you.

  5. yeah yeah yeah..what did she want the money for?..i think THAT'S the story..haha

  6. you tow sure know how to have fun!

  7. You two sound so adorable, love it!

  8. Aw, poor Debra, getting mugged...


  9. ~mugged and my all means from a loved one to top it off...far worse than a stranger i think!! did she get something good from the stolen money?!? atleast you have your spirit and humor through this all...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

    ps...maybe try and take it easy on the laughter though...wouldn't want to bust the stitches!

  10. My dear...I think you may just have a touch of masochism.
    Take things slowly...heal up...and laugh gently at least for now.


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