Thursday 29 April 2010

Trafalgar Lion

Despite having had my Mac computer for well over a year, I am just now learning how to put photos in iPhoto and then upload them to my blog. So, as part of my learning process, here's a random photo from our trip last fall to England -- one of the four huge bronze lions at the base of Nelson's Column in London's Trafalgar Square. They were cast by Sir Edwin Landseer from the melted-down cannons of Napoleon's defeated French fleet. What rich and ironic symbolism!


  1. You are going to love iPhoto ... it does so much ... I learn something new everyday.

    Wonderful shot.

  2. can you sit on these? when I was little, my friend had two huge lions at their front door and we took great delight in the adventures we had on the back of those lions! thanks for the memory :) xo

  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for being on a Mac! And Yaaaaaaa for learning more and more of its "bells & whistles"!

    I am stillllllllllll learning how to fully use my iPhoto. Loved it when I got brave enough to experiment with the stuff like... Sharpness, clarity, shadows, bring-up-the-color, etc., etc., etc. Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!

    Gorgeous lion and wonderful history of it.

  4. Great picture. So glad you've learn how to upload them. I don't know about you, but it always makes me feel good to learn something new on the computer. I don't even have a camera anymore...but my son says he is gonna get one with his tax money. Yippee!!! Now, if I can just learn how to use it.

  5. Phillip is still taunting me with his fancy photo stuff that I just don't understand. Don't tell, but I'm starting to think I'm not cool enough to mac.

  6. such an exquisite and gentle sky behind this fierce, proud "nanananana" sculpture. Yet another irony.

  7. What an interesting anecdote about Napolean's defeated French fleet. There were so many pivotal moments in history which affected future developments.

  8. Beautiful pic Debra! I have never been down the south of England, Big fella and me are planning for that this Summer! Hope you feeling good!

  9. I can't see the pic :0(

    But as it's close to where I was born I think I have a good idea :)


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