Sunday 20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day

Do you know this saying? "Any Man can be a Father, but it takes a Special Man to be a Dad."

Well, it takes an even more special trans man to be a Dad and carry the pregnancy too!

Happy Father's Day to Thomas Beatie and all you other traditional or not-so-traditional Dads out there!


  1. A very special Dad indeed :0)

  2. ~i knew you would have something special to share this day! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. Yup, not only very special. But very brave.... :)

  4. Ah, such a special dad. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. i think he just had a second one too!!!!!

  6. holy crap... glad i never had to do that!

    did not think it possible...

  7. I'm all hippy love fest and free love and pro gay marriage and all that fun stuff.......but I have to admit that the pic of the dude with the belly totally creeps me out.

    Is my cool badge revoked?

  8. Of course your cool badge isn't revoked, Inannasstar! The photo is a bit disconcerting at first, it's true. But how cool is it that we are the first people to live in a society where such a marvel is possible!

  9. Yes Jaz, I think the Beaties have had a second child since then. There have also been a couple of other trans men (if not more?) who have had pregnancies too, but without the same amount of publicity.

  10. it's actually more like teddy 100....husband 0. he just doesn't get it that she is his boss. and teddy is very oral, shall we say!!!

  11. Ah, being a Dad. The most fun, rewarding, excruciating, frustrating, exasperating, hilarious, touching, terrifying thing I have ever done, and would not trade a single moment (even though I was a more traditional dad, not like the gentleman above with the uterus.)

  12. All we've got in this house is a cat-daddy, and they got their dad a card or two (with my help), then spent the rest of the day making him do servitude.

  13. have an award for you on my page :)

  14. It's all in the love. xoxo

    Bless you, Debra xoxo

  15. This is great :)
    So glad he could do this . . . very inspirational!


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