Monday 21 June 2010

Today is Summer Solstice!

We are one with the infinite Sun
Forever and ever and ever!

Every Summer Solstice, my Rare One and I like to sing this chant as we walk around our back yard and garden. We drum to the plants and trees, encouraging them to take full advantage of the longest day of the year. The Green Man supervises us from His spot on the little garden shed.

One year a neighbour heard our drumming and inquired about it a few days later. She subsequently came to my drumming circle a few times but (being a devout Christian) I don't think my emphasis on the Divine Feminine sat all that well with her.

But who knows what may grow from Summer Solstice drumming!


  1. Happy Summer Solstice!

  2. Yay! Happy Summer Solstie to you too. You always have good energy - I like that about you.

  3. But I give neighbor credit, for coming by, a few times. Which proves she's open to at least "looking" at something else. I fear, some are not.

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Btw, no cavorting with the faeries last night for me. -giggles- Weird vibrations were unsettling "the compound" yesterday. ["The compound"...there are 3 houses on this street and all belong to family. Us, son/family and daughter/family. Not planned this way. Just happened] But weirdness was swirling, I tell ya'. Yikes!

    I should probably ask Mary about that... She seems to have a lot of insight.

  4. Thinking of you and your Rare One drumming in your backyard makes me smile. Blessed Solstice!

  5. May this Solstice bring you more harmony, understanding, compassion and rock on! Wish I could join you in your circle, I made a drum a long time ago and haven't put it to good use.

  6. May you and your Rare One have a Blessed Solstice.

  7. How wonderful! And I am so going to steal it for next year, who knows I might get some neighbors to join the fun, or at least a bird or two ;-)

    Happy Summer Solstice luv!

  8. Happy Solstice, Debra! I'l join your drumming here... :)

  9. Summer Solstice today. Last day of school for my high schooler tomorrow. It's all coming together. :)

  10. HaHaha...I can just see you now!!!

  11. i wait all year for this day because it starts my official countdown to fall. starting tomorrow the days become shorter and we are over the hump. it like riding a roller's all downhill from here. you can tell i don't like summer much!

  12. Happy Summer Solstice!

    Love the chant, and LOVE the image!!

  13. I wonder why people belonging to formal organised religions find it hard to reconcile themselves to being one with Nature?

  14. I join your drumming in spirit. Happy Solstice!

  15. ~happy belated solstice blessings to you and your rare one...i could hear the beating from here...keep drumming to the beat of life...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  16. That sounds awesome! Hope your first day of summer was glorious!

  17. Happy belated Summer Solstice!

  18. I was at a drum circle last night - listening though...I've not found a drum yet.

    Hope your Solstice was wonderful! Blessings to you and your Rare One.

  19. I can't believe I missed out on all the drumming action!

  20. I want in! I promise to keep my beat-boxing to a minimum. I'll bring a box of wine instead.

    Next year it's on!


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