Monday 7 June 2010

Home Again

So Her Royal Highness is now home again with me. No more "Madame Zara." Her footloose and fancy-free gypsy lifestyle -- gone. No more "Lady Zaza." Celebrities, paparazzi and luxury -- gone. Reality rules once more. Cold, hard reality.

HRH is finding it hard to adjust. She pouts, she demands, she gets worked up. Tantrums occur. Then she mopes. But what can I do? She must re-learn what it means to be an ordinary suburban kitty.

Here's a typical day --

In many ways, it's like having a teenager around the house. *sigh* I hope she settles down soon.


  1. So glad HRH is home safe and sound. Moodiness and all!

  2. Don't worry. She'll get over it. Hey, did she bring you any autographs?

  3. 'Ordinary Suburban Kitty'?!? My four are deeply offended by that slur! As far as they are concerned, all cats are - and should be treated as - Royalty. :o)

  4. Would the word "puppy" help??...juz wondering...
    ha ha ha!!!

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhh, poor Ex-Lady-Zara! Poor, poor thing. Having to readjust to life, not lived in the fasssst lane.

    Ya' know, I didn't see any photos of Lady GaGa on the Red Carpet for the MTV Awards show last night. Which I thought was quite unlike Lady GaGa, to miss an opp to strut a Red Carpet. Or miss an op to perform.

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Perhaps Lady GaGa is so broken up, that HRH left her and went back home... Perhaps, poor Lady GaGa is just gaga with sadness and couldn't make a public appearance last night, because of this?

    Oh no! What will happen to Lady GaGa's career? Now that she is bereft of HRH?!?!?! Ohhhhhh... What repercussions in the music industry, might this produce?!? Eeeeek!

    Seeeeeeee! There could be more to this *cat tale(tail),* than has yet been written!!!!!!!!


  6. I wouldn't mind at all if my boys slept until noon, as long as they slept through the night instead of having the all night meowfest.

  7. time to get a dog, deb! :P lol

  8. Ah, glad she is back....and yes, she is a cat....they are all the same. But we do love them so don't we :)


  9. Perhaps meeting her half-way would smooth things over. Maybe her regular kitty food would seem more regal if she had a crystal bowl to eat it out of.

    It's kind of hard to go cold turkey after so much adventure!

  10. at least she's not hell bent on destroying your home like dexter is..on a fecking rampage..

  11. LOL! There's an award for you here:

  12. LOL you crack me up....giggle...poor is hard no? Does sound like a teenager though!! Giggle Snort...
    Hugs, Sarah

  13. glad shes home safe and sound for now anyway lol looking forward to her new adventures x x x

  14. I'll swap you for a cockatoo? He is very friendly until he bites...

  15. ~ooh boy you have your hands full...and i thought mine were being difficult...hopefully this will pass and she will be back to her old ways...tell her she should be thankful to be in such a place...she could be stuck in jail wishes to you all!! blessings~

  16. oh how i love me some lol kittehs! hugs!!

  17. It sounds like she's being a typical cat. :)

    I'm glad she's back home safe!


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