Tuesday 8 June 2010

Bible Lessons

Not to mention its endorsement of misogyny and polygamy. Praise ye the word of the Lord.


  1. Sad, sad, sad :0(

  2. Almost got into a Bible debate at work yesterday. How we got on the topic, I don't remember, but one of my group members mentioned that the serpent was evil and they couldn't understand why some cultures could worship something so evil. Oh boy, did I want to get into, but it's a 'no no' here due to separation of church and state...and our funders are the state.

  3. This was the main reason I left fundamentalist Christianity and was one of the stepping stones that caused me to leave Christianity altogether. Murderers and child molesters get more sympathy and concern than gays do amongst fundamentalists. They view gays as a bigger threat to children than either. My son came out to me a year after we left our fundamentalist church and I thank the Goddess she rescued me so I could be there for my son. It scares me to think what he went through, hiding his secret, trying not to be gay, thinking he was damaged. It's hard not to be bitter about it all.

  4. I've always said, organized religion is the anti-christ.

    Great post.

  5. People who claim to be "true" Christians are so far opposite what Jesus really taught it's scary. Slavery, wiccans, homosexuality, bigotry, even good ole wife submission...and then there are THE true Christians who understand what I believe Jesus really preached about, love and compassion. Let's just keep on being true to ourselves and keep saying, "Goddess, forgive them for they know not what they are doing." sigh....

  6. Religion: Skewing reality at a theatre near you. I never understood how religion can justify hate. Hypocrisy at its finest.

  7. i don't know about anyone else but the bible is my favorite comic book!

  8. LOL! I think Jaz has it right! Just makes me sad....very sad.


  9. Bloody brilliant, Debra! :)

  10. My thoughts exactly.

    Not too long ago these very same crazies tried to say that interracial couples were "against God's plan" and how it's not in the Bible... blah blah blah...

    And now we have the beauty of Halle Berry.

    Gay Rights is the new/next Civil Rights/Human Rights movement. I hope and pray that my grandkids will look back on this time and say about the crazies "What the hell were they thinking?!"

  11. Oooh my...don't get me started!
    It's the hate, the control, the condoned lies... It makes me so sad for Christians that love, forgive, etc. I'm sure they must suffer, as I do, when they see/read of the how the bible is used for evil purposes. Again...so sad!

  12. lol, i can't help it, these posters crack me up. it's so true tho which is really quite sad and ridiculous! hugs!!

  13. This very subject causes some very strong "debate" right within my own family and it breaks my heart to see people who once loved each other divided by a book that was written and edited by man to suit the needs to control by fear, and to feel superior above all others.

    Family gathering are fragile. .there is always the underlying current, and I breathe a sigh of relief when the day is over, instead of being joyful in anticipation of our get-together. I never dreamed that it would be this way.

  14. i found the perfect way to deal with people that are 'against' gays..i start asking them very personal questions about their sex life..and when they get pissed and say it's none of my business i say'exactly'..

  15. I'd rather draw my morality from within than from a religion based on blood sacrifice.

  16. Sad and enraging. There is a reason why I'm Eclectic; every religion just have something that is not great, some have LOTS of somethings that just make me absolutely sick!


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