Tuesday 1 June 2010

June is Pride Month!

My favourite time of the year is here -- GLBTTQ* Pride Month! Time to celebrate All Things Queer! Many of my posts in June will be dedicated to a light-hearted celebration of Pride, so woo hoo! Get out your rainbow paraphernalia and let the party begin!

*Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Two-Spirit Queer, for those of you who read that and thought of another set of initials --WTF? -- instead.


  1. Two-Spirit Queer

    que? ok, that's a new one for me.... explaaaaain...

  2. yay for GLBTTQ!!!!! can't wait to read all of your posts this month!

  3. I like acronyms ;-) I'll join you on the celebration. I'm thinking about going to a new gay straight alliance bar that opened recently and write a review. I've been told that it is a nice place.

  4. Looks like I'll be doing all my celebrating through your blog... well, that or get deported ;0)

  5. "...for those of you who read that and thought of another set of initials --WTF? -- instead."

    Hey! Thinking WTF is one of my fav passtimes! ,-) Thank you much for giving me a reason for doing it! -chuckle-

    Oh and around "gentle people" [translate that to "Family"] I say Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! 'Course you need to have flown a little plane, to know what those 3 terms stand for... But... They seem to not scream as much, at my saying, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. ,-)

  6. Don't you feel sorrrrrrrrrrrry for my Family?!? Having to put up with me.

    Go on! Admit it! You do!


  7. Aunt Amelia, my new expression from now on is going to be WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT! Love it!

  8. Mon, "two spirit" is the term used by aboriginal people to express the concepts of "gay lesbian bisexual transgender queer." They've figured out how to get around all those initials!

  9. Im looking forward to all your Pride posts :) i never need an excuse to get my rainbow flags out x x x

  10. ~let the celebrations begin!! i think we are all in for a great treat this month...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  11. My town has a festival and parade planned for next weekend. :-)

    I like that rainbow kitty.

  12. Woo Hoo! Pride month!!! Woo Hoo! Next to Christmas, it's the most wonderful time of the year ;)

  13. Cool! I'm looking forward to all of your posts!
    I remember taking my younger daughter to her first Pridefest at our state capital, years ago, when she was feeling like the lone ranger in our small town. I'll never forget the look on her face to see so many couples walking openly hand in hand, and proudly down the street. It made this Mom all teary eyed, just as I was on the day that she and my daughter-in-law had their marriage ceremony (although it still isn't legally recognized in this state, darn it) 7 years ago. And, sadly, she is still not free to be completely who she truly is, because she says that her place of employment would fire her in the blink of an eye if they knew. That too bring tears to my eyes, but of course, not in a good way. I hope that I see some major changes for the good in my lifetime.

  14. We have a huge parade/party in the city. I have been to the last few but I will be out of town for this years!!! Way fun!!

  15. hmm, i wonder if i could get a permit to have a parade to celebrate pride month here in west?
    i know 3 in town that would go for it..i'm sure there are more.but the closets are big and deep in texas.

  16. Let the celebration begin. Count me in.

  17. Great! Keep us posted on any goings on...if there aren't any, make them up!!!

  18. Toronto's Pride Parade is July 3rd or 4th this year . . . they put it a week later due to the G20 Summit :(

    I go every year and this year I was asked to dance in a stage show but I can't . . . I'll be away . . . so this sucks. Instead I'll just be inconvenienced by the G20 summit.

  19. whatever you are...whatever I am ...lets all celebrate!!

  20. I assume that those of us who don't fall into a GLBTTQ (what a mouthful!) category but who present GLBTTQ are also welcome in Pride month?


  21. I have no idea what these pride parades are all about (no such thing in Scandinavia), but I can't wait to find out! Keep the reports coming... :)

  22. love the term two spirit...and yet ultimately we are all one! love your rainbow kitty too!

  23. I am hoping to attend a gay pride parade in a local city! I luuuuvvvsss the gays!

    There's an award for you on my blog today.


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