Wednesday 2 June 2010

Yes, We ARE Everywhere!

And don't for one minute think we aren't, because we know better!


  1. Some of us even lurk in countries where they say there are NONE. Not one. Can you imagine?!! In reality there are many and we all get much more pleasure from our little secret :0)

  2. come out come out wherever you are :)

  3. An excellent theme. Let the rainbow shine brightly!

  4. Of course you/they are everywhere. What's the news flash? :/

  5. So I have a ginormous family and only one lone gay cousin. At the last family reunion he elbowed me and said, "So let's figure out who's in the closet. I mean, just by law of averages I can't be the the only one." Yay for pride month!

  6. Geez, having re-read my comment on this and the previous posting of yours, I realized my comments come out sounding wrong. What I mean is: we have no parades here, maybe because we don't have as we consider gay couples being as natural as humans having two eyes. Hence my interest in these parades. :)

  7. some day everyone will be able to be who they are with out fear.

  8. That's for sure! I hate it when I hear people saying derogatory remarks in the first place, but it is even worse when they are talking to a person whom they love, but have no idea how much they are hurting them with their words.

    I have a second cousin who thinks that being gay is a major sin, and makes no bones about sharing her thoughts at family gatherings, where her "treasured family" as she refers to everyone is peppered with gays and lesbians.

    Even my own Mother told me not to tell any of the relatives about my daughter "because it will make waves". .imagine how that made my daugher and me feel. .yeah, you can. . .

    But this is from the same woman who swept the fact that my great uncle tried to molest me, under the rug (you are fine, so no harm was done!. .excuse me????) because she didn't want the relatives to be upset. .ironically, the homophob is that man's daughter. .see why I don't go to family reunions?

  9. We are all made from *star stuff* and back to *star stuff* we will go ... all connected ... I just wish EVERYONE would learn that!

  10. Just look at Rugby there is some male “bonding” didn’t see the other guys jersey till now...funny pic... Thanks for your visit and comment Debra..

  11. Somewhereeeeeeeeee ooooovvvverrrr the raaaaaaiinnnnnbooooowww!!!!

    My little Debz, you made my day - I think you are just the bee's knees!

    We're here, we're queer....we pay RETAIL!

  12. I have nothing deep and meaningful to add, other than HAAA HAAA HAAAAAAA!! :'D (Actually, I'm surprised they let him keep his name :|)


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