Monday 28 June 2010

So THAT'S What He's Up To These Days

I think there was more than a "bromance" between Frodo and Sam, too.


  1. Some people are gay? Really??

    What IS the world coming to?

  2. Hey, did you see the big parade they had here yesterday? Too bad it was so hot...but they have a great Gay Pride Parade every year.

  3. I agree with e.d. lol. I think he looks good in red. and who are Frodo and Sam. have a great day

  4. I love him!!! I had the pleasure of “acting” with him when he came here to do a one man show of Shakespeare. He invites people up on stage with him, and being an acting student, I didn’t hesitate. There I stood in the spotlights with one of my heroes. It was awesome beyond belief.

  5. I wish the other Hollywood gays hiding in the closet would be as brave and just come out already.
    Truth is the best weapon against homophobia.

  6. Heh, sure there is! Remember what Gandalf said: There is more to this hobbit than meets the eye! :D

  7. i love that shirt..everyone should wear mater if they are gay or not..let people guess.

  8. I've always thought the same thing between Frodo and his Sam Wise

  9. Is it possible for him to be any cooler?

    Thanks for sharing.


  10. Nice! I LOVE that poster! :)

    Personally I don't think there's anything romantic between Frodo and Sam. I think they're just really really close friends. Then again, maybe it's time that I read the books again...

  11. The poster reminded me of a meeting I had last week, when I had to take notes while a Board Member interviewed a candidate. The candidate was really good, and after summarising everything, the interviewer said, "but I think he is gay. As long as you don't have a problem with that...", and left it hanging.
    It was only hours later that I realised what I should have said, "I don't care if he is gay as long as he is not gloomy."

    Maybe next time, I get to use that line.

  12. I think that Sam really loved his bonny lass... just sayin... and seriously, I do love this post soo much, my sister Debra xo

  13. Oh, I SO want that T-shirt!


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