Sunday 27 June 2010

Sunday Sermon

Ain't that the truth. Wishing everyone a welcoming spiritual community today and every day!


  1. Same people that flip you the bird in the church parking lot?

  2. How is it that you always make me laugh aloud? You should bottle that gift and sell it!

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Whew, you said a mouthful!

  4. Amen and AMEN!!!!! The problem with religion is that it is organized! :D :D :D

  5. I will be spending my Sunday in the mountains, once again! xoxoxo

  6. I hate to say it, but I've met Pagans who are that way too. It needn't be a pew. It could be a log.

  7. LOL Lucky me, I don't belong to any such community.... which also tends to kill the kindness and politeness. :D

  8. HA HA... or date their daughter.

  9. Go and sin no more! As Oral Roberts or Jimmy Swaggart would say. Personally, sin is much more fun than sitting in the pews pretending that I'm really communing with the Goddess or God. Amen, sister!

  10. Exactly. People are always asking me what I have against Christians, or any other organized religion for that matter. I keep trying to tell them I don't have a problem with them at all. I think it's great that they have found a spiritual path that fulfills them. I just wish they felt the same way about me! Plus, any kind of spiritual path that promotes hatred and violence is sure to be a rocky one, at best. Blessed be!

  11. Now, ain't that the truth. Boy, could I tell some tales.

  12. Tell me about it. Of course when they find out that you are the preacher's daughter they then can't do enough for you.!

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  13. i avoid that problem by only going to church for lighting candles and praying.

  14. Thankfully I am surrounded by mosques that I'm not allowed in!!


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