Tuesday 22 June 2010

We All Know At Least One

Another contribution from GLBTTQ culture to The World . . . the Galaxy . . . the Universe! Whatever did we call drama queens before that term was invented?


  1. Love it. Guess my Minga is a drama queen. But, hey, she'll be 18 in July, so she can be whatever she wants.

  2. I've been accused of being a drama queen, but please, we all know that's not true ; )

  3. ~you are speaking of some of the women in my family...i shall dedicate your post to them!! attention getter...to cute! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  4. what a great pic. Oh our cats! They bring delight and joy wherever they are. My Princess is a drama queen..so rightly named. For such a tiny lil cat she sure lets us know when she wants something.

  5. Just one? I know too many! Eeek..I might even be included in that category!

  6. Oh I love this picture!! It tells the whole story doesn't it and makes you giggle at the same time.

  7. And who invented it? I so love the photo...

  8. Congrats - You won the giveaway...
    Please contact me with your email & you can decide between the reading or the mojo Bag...



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