Thursday 22 July 2010

Turn and Burn, Girls!

My Rare One and the Cowgirl Niece drove right to Manitoba from Calgary. My Rare One is going to drive the truck and horse trailer around to various small town fairs and gymkhanas in Manitoba and Saskatchewan so the Cowgirl Niece and her horse can compete in barrel racing.

So until the end of July, Her Royal Highness and I are batching it. More on that tomorrow!


  1. An adventure for all of you! :D

  2. Hope they do well in the barrel racing! I know nothing about horses and have no idea what barrel racing is, but never mind! :o)

  3. I wish them lots of luck...but what is barrel racing? I know of the one when the person is inside, but with a horse involved, I'm sure it's not the one I am thinking of.

  4. Cool diagram. I always wondered how to do the beer can race. Oh wait, those are barrels for a rodeo, right? Hey, I'm not THAT queenie.

  5. somebunny needs to keep outta trouble :O lol

  6. ~what fun to be had...sending best wishes and blessings for safe travels~

  7. Barrel racing is when cowgirls race their horses around barrels in a cloverleaf formation. The fastest time wins. There's a photo of barrel racing on my post of July 20th, a couple of days ago.

  8. I dated a barrel racer once, but sadly she gave her horse more love than she ever did me.

  9. I was almost doing barrel racing and gymkhanas but I didn't have a place to stable the horse I want. I can just see you soon, Debra being a full cowgirl ;) Have a hootenanny time and look forward to pics.

  10. LMAO I was so caught with that sowing needle at Laughingwolfs, that I expected the diagram to be a sowing pattern of some sorts. Untill I realized.... honestly! :D

    I'm sure you and HRH are going to be busy keeping the postings coming while those girls are gone, and time will fly. :)

  11. go to the library and get lots of books and movies..go to store get lots of junk food and sodi pop...your set.


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