Friday 23 July 2010

Batching It

As mentioned yesterday, Her Royal Highness and I are batching it until the end of the month. We've divided all the household tasks between us. Unfortunately, HRH drew the short straw to do the cooking . . . .

Actually, HRH's offerings are not that bad. Tonight it's Mouse à l'Orange. Yum!


  1. Those photos are fantastically hysterical! Have fun together!

  2. Tell me, how can I get my Minga to help out like this?

  3. Ha! Those pics are hilarious! :)

  4. Very cute pics! If I tried to get my cat to pose anything like those, I would probably lose an eyeball.

  5. keeps one of you busy, at least :P lol

  6. The lunch lady looks vaguely familiar. Hmmmmm...

  7. You and HRH are a hoot and a holler!

  8. Those photos are priceless. The last one made me snort of joy! :D

  9. ~mouse a'l orange...just might have to pass...but sh*t on a shingle...please pass me some more! my mom used to cook chipped beef on toast when money was tight! forgot all about it...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  10. And here I just replied to your post about wanting to see more of your cats and look! Oh bless the little creatures who know they are "royal" what a pain in the you know what, but sigh...they've been too spoiled since the days of Egypt, what are we servants to do? ;)

  11. Mildred has taken to sleeping in the crock pot. It's a little disconcerting.

  12. I'll pass on the mouse, but some help around the kitchen would be great. Dex just flops down underfoot and waits for some lovin'. He's such a man.

  13. At least HRH knows how to use the stove so you won't starved while the two of you are batching it together.

    My Nancy Cat is the best babysitter. She tolerates a lot of hard lovin' from Finn and if she has had enough and walks away from him and he cries, she'll walk back and plopped down in front of him for more.

  14. to make HRH's food more appetizing maybe you could smoke some catnip together!

  15. mmmmm Yummy :) you made me smile x x x have a great weekend

  16. LOL! You will get me with the LOLcats everyime. Thanks for making me laugh on a Friday morning! I needed that. Have a great weekend!


  17. Dexter is waiting for his invite.

  18. Very cute, good luck with supper. have a great weekend. take care.

  19. Good move. I also taught my cats to cook. I love me some cooking kittys. But, they seem to be hung up on little fishie dishes...baked gold fish...sauted minnows...fried sardines, etc. I supposed it could be know, marinated mice in rice, do dah.

    Great photos.

  20. At least it's not tuna fish! Again!

    Does HRH do any catering???

  21. My fat cat is too lazy for that! He expects me to do all the cooking for him...typical male!

  22. I'll take the l'Orange and she can have the mouse.

  23. I need me a HRH... alas, I am allergic!


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