Wednesday 25 August 2010

Cats in England

One more thing about England -- I expected to see lots of cats there. We saw oodles of cats when we were in Italy the year before. In fact, I milked the topic for three whole blog posts (here, here and here if you're interested). And aren't the English supposed to adore cats?

This is the only cat we saw in Glastonbury, sitting on the stoop of a house leading up Wearyall Hill. Yes, precisely, a FAKE one.

The ONLY real cat we saw in all of England was this cheeky little bugger sharpening its claws on someone's car tires in Avebury. Or perhaps I should say tyres in the English way . . . .

And of course, THIS is what I had HOPED to see . . . .

[First two photos by my Rare One, taken at my insistence]


  1. you were looking in the wrong place. they were probably in the garbage cans!!! (i hope you saw this mornings news so you know what i am referring to!)

  2. Yes, Jaz, I saw that item on the news last night. What an awful woman! Thank Goddess someone let that poor cat out!

  3. Cat-Henge!!! Awesome and yes, look at that cat sharpening its claws like that!

    BTW, I didn't want to ruin the book for anyone but it is Carol Shield's novel Larry's Party. I hope you can breathe easy now! :)

  4. was thinking about the garbage can cat too...poor thing, glad she was OK

  5. hopefully all good kitties were inside curled up on someones lap. love the pictures

  6. Cute pix. Strange, I never pictured Britons for liking cats. I know they like dogs...but they think children are annoying - ha! (I could SO live in England!)

  7. Cat henge, BAHAHAHAHAHA....too funny.

  8. Hmmmmmm... Interesting... Could they have been nearly exterminated by Puritans? Were there such Puritans in England? Or not?

    Could they be sort of more reticent to pop out and be seen by visitors? English cats I mean. I know it's probably a cultural myth but...

    I see all Italians as being very open. So you saw lots of Italian cats, lolling around. :-) Thought the British were supposed to be more laid back. Same, with their cats. Maybe... So they were all hiding somewhere?

    Totally unscientific theories! -giggles- But fun!

  9. I think we do have more than one cat here. Perhaps even triple ;-)

  10. Did you know that actally France is the number one place for cats. More people own cats than anywhere else in the world!!!! I love these pics. of cats, esp. the black one acting like he/she doesn't have a care in the world. Like most cats do. Great pics. as always, Debra and maybe a trip to Paris soon? ;)

  11. Love that cheeky black cat sharpening his claws! Too cute!

  12. maybe they were all inside having tea and crumpets, watching bbc on the telly?

  13. Very odd that you didn't see any kitties.... wonder where they all were......

    I have a couple that like to use my tires as scratching posts. Better the tire than the sofa, I always say! :0)

  14. Cat Henge! The picture of the kitty sharpening his nails on the tire reminds me of my Frankie. He's just as naughty. Maybe all the kitties were inside? The garbage can story made me sick . . .

  15. was the garbage can supposed to shield the kitty from the storm?

    I love to find kitties on my travels- I tell my brother that the are the best part of the trip. I have pictures of one from the great wall of china.

  16. YOU are so funny! I wouldn't be surprised if our little hoodlum kitty has been responsible for various "crimes" in our neighborhood...sure she looks delicate, sweet and innocent with her pure white fur and tiny pink nose...but any cat that's an ankle biter is apt to be a tire slasher too. (I'm just sayin')

    love CAT HENGE!

  17. Cat-henge has Ceiling Cat overseeing things... making sure you haz permission to enter!


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