Friday 27 August 2010

Cats in the News (#2) (hee, hee, hee)

I know everyone has heard of that incredibly expensive coffee known colloquially as "cat poop coffee" (or sometimes as "crappuccino" LOL). In the rainforests of south-east Asia, wild civet cats eat a certain kind of coffee bean fruit, digest the fruit and then poop out the undigested coffee beans. This natural "processing" results in delicious coffee, apparently, once the beans are washed and roasted. A pound of this rare coffee can cost hundreds of dollars. It must be worth it, though -- the coffee company's logo says that it's "good to the last dropping!"

Recently, civet cat coffee was declared halal (religiously approved) for Muslims to drink, so long as the beans were thoroughly washed. This is a good thing since probably only oil sheiks can afford to buy this coffee on a regular basis.

However, it does not appear that civet cat coffee is kosher (religiously approved) for Jews to drink. Since Jewish dietary laws prohibit consumption of a certain flavour-enhancer additive derived from the glands of civet cats, it seems doubtful that coffee processed by the same animal would be given the green light.

For the rest of us, the only restrictions on consumption are our wallets, our taste buds and our sense of adventure!


  1. I don't think I will be trying it any time in the near future.

  2. cat poop coffee...hehehehehe! Where the hell do you find this stuff???? Hehehehehe!!!

  3. I remember reading about this coffee but what if they are not washing the poop beans carefully:)) Let some rich guys enjoy it

  4. ~to our senses of adventure is right...i don't know if i could get past the thought of "poop"...hhhmmm always something new with you!! if you muster up the stomach to try...please do share...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  5. OMG I've never heard of this before. I love the artwork on the packaging!

  6. Ummmm.... I'll be passing on that coffee. Even if I could afford it. lol

  7. Oh, my! Now I'd heard of animals leaving seeds in their *droppings* and that's how many plants are spread, but washed and coffee?!!!!! I'm not a coffee drinker so I'm really not missing anything! ;D ;D ;lD

  8. Heavenstobetsy! How absurd. It makes you wonder just how anyone first decided to try drinking coffee made from cat poop coffee bean.

    "Hey Bob, look at that cat poop. Let's make coffee with it."

    "Okay, Bob, let's give it a shot. Hey, it tastes fantastic. We're gonna be rich!"

  9. LOL...cats are hyper enough, well they can be, my cats are after they've had catnip. I can only imagine the buzzed cats after they've had a cup of their morning joe. I showed my cats this post and they were highly amused ;)

  10. If you ask me, all coffee tastes like cat ass.

  11. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! LOL!

    Makes me glad I can't drink regular coffee anymore!!! Only the decaf kind. And betcha' those cats wouldn't touch decafinated beans! >,-)

  12. . . . and for Wiccans/Pagans it is considered most holy as it has been refined through the Goddess Bast herself! LOL

  13. I want that t-shirt (is that a t-shirt? great logo!), but *doubt* I'll be drinking the stuff. No, in fact, I can say for sure that I won't drink it.

  14. i've posted about the kopi lewak many times... funniest damn thing i've read about 'coffee' ;) lol

  15. LOL! Luck for me I don't drink coffee.....otherwise I would have to try it....just because. :)

    Thanks for sharing.


  16. that coffee is responsible for me to have the biggest best and longest laugh I've ever had in a movie. the bucket list..i still laugh when I think about it.

  17. I've heard of this coffee but didn't know the background....thanks!
    I would try it if it was available.

  18. I've heard of this coffee, but I'm not willing to try it. I love coffee, but anything that says good to the last droppings, nope, not doing it.

  19. lol - I never drink coffee - just am not a fan of the smell let alone the taste and I have to say - I am less likely towant to try it now :)

  20. I like my coffee straight off the tree! No milk, no sugar, no pooper scooper!

  21. I'll be stickin' with my Newman's Own Special Roast Decaf thank you very much.


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