Friday 19 November 2010

Helloooo Winter!

So, winter has finally descended on us here in Edmonton. We had a nice long autumn with some beautiful weather, but the past couple of days has swept that away. Now we have lots of snow, painfully slow driving conditions and frigid temperatures. The kind of weather that makes you yearn for a vacation in warmer climes . . . now that's the real Canadian Dream!


  1. still nothing in our neck of the woods, we had some pretty warm days for this time of year, but i imagine it is coming

  2. snow here in the Kootenays of B.c. too.....dream in booked.......

  3. I don't think winter is going to reach us for awhile, but the way the weather has been this year, ya never know. Love the little kitty in the snow.

  4. Well you're not doing much to make me miss Canada! Mind you winter is setting in here to - it was down to 16c yesterday - with rain, pounding driving rain and that's in the forecast for the next week. Guess it beats snow though.

  5. as an ex edmontonite, i can sympathize... here in halifax, we may get some flurries in higher elevations over the weekend

  6. Winter sucks gigantic cricket balls. The end.

  7. ~bbbrrr...stay warm...i have been watching {well listening} to the news this morning and it is from your weather front that is causing some bizarre changes in our usual weather pattern...i though i hoping for just a bit...and yes i am aware be careful what you ask for...hehehe!!! much l♥ve light and warmth upon you and yours~

  8. You have my deepest sympathies my friend! I am glad you got a real autumn though. I still can't believe it hasn't snowed here yet, LOL. I'll count each day without snow as a blessing. Stay warm my friend!

  9. Oh, are you one of those kitties who flings her paws when she has to step in snow and just wishes she could curl up by the fire. You and your humans are perfectly welcome to visit us here in Sunny California where we only wish that there were more weather. We wouldn't go out in any less than pleasant conditions, but our mother is aching for real seasonal changes.
    Miss Bella and Sele

  10. Yo! Debz. Now that I'm back up North, I'm looking forward to a bit o' the white stuff. You know I've got those Cossack boots to rock!

  11. I'm simply not ready for snow... Cute kitty in the snow.

  12. I miss snow.

    I'm in Los Angeles and we don't really have winter. (Although we walk around in winter coats and boots paired with shorts.)

  13. I can remember many a time when the sentiments in the first picture were oh so true!

    Stay warm!

  14. It has gotten down to near freezing at night (all the way there in some places - goodbye mosquitoes!!!) but still around 70F (about 21C) in the daytime (and sunny). Cooler temps are making the caterpillars move a lot slower. ;-)

  15. It is hard to complain about this weather with the beautiful Fall we had... but I'm going to anyway. I'm already sick of winter. lol Not really, but on days like today I am dreaming of somewhere hot too.

  16. those kitty pictures are too cute...and it's RAINING in california


    kary and teddy

  17. send snow my way!!!! snow snow snow....i love the snow. my house is so cold i could see my breath last night. i think i am part polar bear!

  18. We've already had one good snow here in the Texas panhandle as well.

  19. I am sure that our winter/snow is close behind Debra! Heard from my family there that you guys are buried! Stay warm.

  20. Oh I think I'll go the beach tomorrow! Oh sorry...I didn't mean to say that!;-) SNOW is just plain CRUEL!

  21. Your weather system has made it to Manitoba, so I know how you're feeling! I took my first warm weather vacation last winter and I am hooked. I want to do it again this winter. I won't be able to, but a girl can dream, right?!

  22. yes eventually winter will descend on us all.. I think our time will begin next week shortly after thanksgiving... we have a beautiful weekend of 70 degree temps then we are to be plunged into the deep freeze.. probably some of that lovely weather you are having.. just have to give it time to move south

  23. Still bright and sunny here in Ontario. However, the temperature is beginning to drop. I hope we get snow soon, I love the stuff. :)

    Stay warm and snuggle lots! :)

  24. Your right about the real Canadian Dream. you made me laugh. have a great weekend. take care.

  25. It's almost 9pm and it's still sorry I haven't been by, motel bound and couldn't figure out out how to get to my blogs on that ancient computer..

  26. Oh sigh... Another post about snow. Mmmmmmm, I'll ask you the same thing as I asked her... "Please keep it there." :-)

  27. Yowza. Makes me happy to be in Upstate New York! Stay warm Debra!

  28. We have thus far dodged the ice/snow bullet here on the plain Plains. But I know when you guys get it, we are not going to be too far behind. Guess I'm going to have to start wearing socks again.

  29. I can't wait 'til it snows here in Ontario so I can post that frozen-butt photo on my blog!



  30. I don't see snow where I live until at least mid December.


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