Wednesday 17 November 2010

Oh, Four Tuna

One of my favourite modern classical cantatas is Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. He composed the music in mid-1930s Germany, using for the libretto a series of secular medieval poems written in Latin which largely concern boozing, gluttony, gambling and lust -- things which never go out of style! The best known movement is O Fortuna concerning the fickleness of fate.

Last weekend over at PENolan's blog Menopausal Stoners, I saw an absolutely hilarious video of O Fortuna's misheard lyrics. Here it is for your listening pleasure but I warn you -- you'll never hear O Fortuna quite the same way again!

To see O Fortuna's real lyrics in Latin and English, click here.


  1. That is.......HILARIOUS!!! Even with my aching head I just had to laugh out loud.

  2. That is too funny. I always love coming here.

  3. My stomach muscles are still juggling laughter! I'm about to head to the second floor Pink Room to encourage a sickabed Josiette to come for a listen!

    Thanks for making my day (and for stopping by to wish The Sneezer well!)!

    Cellar Door

  4. I'm at a computer that doesn't have a headphone jack...I'll have to be sure to listen to it later!

  5. Oh, wow. I shared this with my brother, and he loves it. :)

  6. Oh, my gosh, Debra...I'm sitting here laughing like a mad woman as I watch this for the third time! I've always loved this piece...never again will I be able to listen to it without picturing fish and breasts! How clever on someone's part to come up with this. You definitely made my day sharing it with us...:)


  7. This... is awesome. XD

    I love Carmina Burana, and will never be able to hear hear this song again without cracking a smile & probably giggling... a lot.

    I've seen A TON of fan-made music videos set to this song, but this is by far the absolute best. ^-^


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