Monday 20 December 2010

200+ Followers! Time for a Giveaway!

I had my last giveaway when my Followers List reached 100 and now, thanks to all of you wonderful readers, it has reached 200+! So I'm celebrating with another giveaway!

Because of everyone's great response to my Labyrinth Series, I thought that a labyrinth-themed giveaway might be a good idea. (By the way, I'm not finished with that series and will be posting about more labyrinths in January, so stay tuned!)

The Sand Labyrinth is a finger labyrinth that you create over and over again! The kit comes with a shallow 10-inch square wooden box, two labyrinth templates for tracing (both the pagan Cretan and christian Chartres designs), a bag of fine white sand, and a little book with instructions and inspirational quotations. You simply put the sand in the box, choose a template, place it on top, trace the unicursal path with your finger, remove the template and voilĂ ! A beautiful sand labyrinth for display or further meditation! (A word of caution: keep out of reach of cats . . . .)

The rules for entering are straightforward:

1. You must be an official Follower to enter. Old, new or just signed up in order to enter the contest, it's all good. And it doesn't matter where you're from in the world, I'll mail the prize anywhere!

2. In addition to being a Follower, you must leave me a comment on THIS post that you want to enter the contest.

3. One entry per person (leaving 10 comments will still only result in 1 entry!)

4. Entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time) on Friday, December 31, 2010.

5. The winning entry will be chosen by random draw on Saturday, January 1, 2011 and the result posted here on Sunday, January 2, 2011.

As you can see, I'm leaving the contest open for the rest of the month because people are busy with the holidays and it may take some of you a while to read this post.

Good luck!


  1. Yes, yes, cats want to enter, but they haven't a blog. Can I enter for them?

    OK, count me in.

  2. ~congrats to you on all who have stumbled over to share in your day to day!!! it has been a such a joy getting to know you this year and i have learned a great wealth of information from you and your posts!!! i love your labyrinth posts and happy to hear you will be sharing more in the coming new year!!! thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you...warm holiday wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. Of course you have over 200followers, you're effing fabulous dawling....

    :::crossing fingers crossing fingers that I win this!!!::::

  4. Congrats to you! I have so enjoyed my visits here. :0)
    I enjoyed reading your series about Labyrinths and look forward to the next.
    Please throw my name into the hat for the drawing.
    May the Season bring love, health, and wealth to your hearth. Brightest Blessings!

  5. Congratulations on 200! Yay! I'm already a follower :D

    What a wonderful giveaway, Debra!

  6. Definitely want to enter this one. Congrats on hitting 200+ and wishing you and yours a blessed Yule.

  7. I've never done a give-away, so I don't join in give-away's. But...

    'Tis Yule Eve, and I wish you joy...

    Gentle Yule hugs...

  8. You're an internet superstar! And you're encouraging people to let their fingers walk through the folds of...I'm going to stop now. Probably.

  9. Hooray for 200 followers! I follow because you make me smile. :) I want sand! It'll trick me into thinking I'm at the beach! MMmmmmmm...beach. Very meditative. :)

  10. Sophie and I will share if we win...ha ha ha! Congrats on 200 followers! It's a fun place to visit while drinking my morning coffee...

  11. 200+ is something to the labyrinth...count me in! best, susan

  12. Hey, I found you just in time to enter ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my place!

  13. Oh-Oh-Oh, pick me!!! lol...Congrats. on your 200th Debra, it doesn't surprise me in the least. I definitely am a follower and I so want to win. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  14. congratulations, my friend

    and YES !!!! toss my name in the hat....

    happy holidays

    kary and teddy

  15. I am a follower and I want to enter the contest :)

  16. It's funny how followers come when your not looking! It seems like yesterday I only had 20! Who knew anyone wanted to read!!! And what a lovely gift for a give-away! You are to kind tootes!

  17. Ooh...lovely giveaway, Debra...I would definitely like to be included in the draw! I am already a follower who loved all your labyrinth posts, and looks forward to more. Congratulations on having 200 followers....they all know a good thing when they see it...:)

  18. I definitely want to enter this contest!


  19. Because of YOU I now have an interest in Labrinths and i even know how to spell them now. Count me in...and yes dear sweet Debra that Seeks, you deserve countless groupies following you...Cynthia

  20. Hey Debz,

    Please enter me in this contest! As you know, I had no real idea about the labyrinths until reading all about them on your blog. I'd like to learn even more about them.

    BTW, are you going to watch the lunar eclipse tonight at 2:37am (12/21)? Not sure if you can see it in Canada, but I hope you can. I'm going to stay up late and hope I can see it and photograph it before the clouds roll in.

  21. A hearty congrats on the 200+ followers, Debra! That's awesome. Love your diverse views on things and apparently others do, too. I've totally loved you labyrinth series and I'm thrilled there's more to come! Good luck to all of us!

  22. 200 followers!!! Whoot! I can see why...I love coming here for a good laugh now and then. Plus you always have great spiritual messages to share with us too! xoxo

  23. What a wonderful idea, and a wonderful gift! A sand labyrinth is one of the most fabulous meditation tools and journeys. I congratulate you on your milestone and I also very much appreciate your faithfulness not just in writing this blog, but in reading other blogs! It is that kind of connectivity that creates community - and I look forward to your thoughts on my posts as much as I look forward to reading yours, because I know that sharing our thoughts is how to build that community. Blessed be friend - keep writing and know that your words are treasured and read...they are not just falling out into the void of the internet!
    Blessed be!

  24. OOOHHH ... OH..OH...count me in...count me in...

    and congratulations on your 200!! Great Job...

  25. 200 followers is an amazing milestone! congratulations to you and your writing. I know I find it an inspiration and a learning adventure :)
    I'd love to be added to the list for the finger labyrinth. What a great way to mindfully practice meditation!

  26. Well first off...CONGRATS!!! I love making it to a 00 # so much fun! Well deserved hon!!

    Second....MEEEEEEEEEEE..please add me to the fun is this!!
    LOL!! Hugs, Sarah

  27. Um...I re-read my comment and it struck me that I may not have clearly stated that yes, I want to be a part of the contest...little absent minded of me there. So, yeah, I don't mind my name going in the hat...I'd be crazy not to,given how much I love Labyrinths!
    Once again, thank you, dear friend! Looking forward to more Labyrinth posts in January!

  28. Thinking I should enter this contest. :) How very generous of you.

    Congrats on the 200 followers.

  29. This is way too cool, Debra! Please enter me in this 200+ contest. Thanks so much.

  30. Congrats on 200+ !
    You are very deserving...
    Thank you for your frequent visits to My blog, where you are a most welcome visitor!
    May you have a Blessed holiday,
    filled with Love, joy & Magick!

  31. Me, me, me! Please count me in this giveaway, and congratulations on your 200th! Lois

  32. Hi! I can't believe I almost missed your giveaway. Please do include me and congrats on reaching 200+ on your followers! Whoo hoo!

  33. Congratulations on 200 followers. I remember I first started follwoing your blog when your 100 follower giveaway was on. And now you are 200!

  34. Is following the same as stalking??? Cause if so then I guess I'm a stalker!

  35. Mountain Daylight Time sounds like a wonderful place to be. Count me in

  36. how the hell did I miss this?..ha you have so many readers..what a great thing that rock.

  37. ooh ooh pick me! What a sweet give-away.

  38. Goodness--I AM behind! Yes, of course I want to enter!!!

  39. Wow Debra! 200 followers. And what always strikes me is how many people will follow a blog without officially becoming a follower. You've touched many lives. Certainly Cameron and I love your blog and celebrate with you.

    Enter me in the drawing, please. I adore this kind of finger labyrinth.

    Bright blessings!!

  40. I'm an "official" follower! Have a fantastic vacation!


  41. I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Or at least as far as HRH would let me! Lol!

    Hope you had some spectacular holidays. Just catching up here and almost peeing my jammies while perusing your last few posts. I really need to get here for a morning laugh every day!

    Thanks again for the Yule carols - they were a big hit!

  42. Congrats on breaking the 200 mark. Your posts are wonderful and I thoroughly enjoy them. Hope you had a nice holiday and hoping you have an even better New Year.

    Count me in on your draw. Thanks!

  43. I'm finally entering. Happy Hogmanay!


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