Saturday 11 December 2010


On the night of December 8, a vandal or vandals unknown cut down and destroyed the Holy Thorn of Glastonbury on Wearyall Hill. BASTARDS! Earlier that day, the Mayor of Glastonbury, accompanied by a vicar and schoolchildren, had just cut the traditional sprig of flowering thorn to send to the Queen for Christmas. Now the tree is no more.

My Rare One took this photo of the Holy Thorn when we visited it a couple of years ago (you can read my blog post about it here). Now the tree has been destroyed -- all its limbs and branches were brutally cut off and just left scattered on the ground. Its protective metal fence (still covered in ribbons and strips of cloth left by pilgrims) was yanked up almost to the top of the remaining stump. Here are some photos of the carnage:

It is heartbreaking to see crime scene tape around the sacred tree. Police are investigating but so far have no suspects or motive for this crime.

There is hope that the tree, in time, may be able to regenerate new growth from the stump. Cuttings could also be taken from other Holy Thorns which are descendants of the original tree -- for example, there is another Holy Thorn on the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey. But, either way, it will be years before the tree on Wearyall Hill can be fully restored.

To me, this dreadful story is like hearing that an old friend has died suddenly and tragically in a senseless act of violence. I grieve for the Holy Thorn.


  1. Wow what a totally senseless act! I am very sorry to hear that something like this has happened! Karma is a mean thing to mess with and someone just asked for a hell of a lot of negative karma!

  2. What a crock!

    I'm catching up a little (very little) this morning. Enjoyed how to gift wrap a cat and your John Lennon post. Chuckling about *carrot back on your face*.

  3. oh no...who would do such a thing? someone that is about to get a cold thwack of karma!!!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about this. What is the matter with people that they'd think of doing such a senseless thing?

  5. How horrid! My heart mourns for the loss.....

  6. what sort of lowlife would do that?...sonsabitches.

  7. Bastards does not sum it up. I'm enraged by this desecration - a stupid, senseless and vicious act. Sadly if they are caught I don't think the punishment given to the vandals will fit the crime.

  8. This is so disturbing. It’s truly heartbreaking. I do hope in time it can recover, but what a loss.

  9. Ohhhhh that is heartbreaking..what is wrong with people???? This makes me so sad..geesh!

  10. That is terrible. I believe in karma...enough said. The tree or stump covered in ribbons looks so beautiful, almost like it is moving.

  11. So sad and senseless....why does this happen? What is wrong with some people? On the Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of Canada, we had a similar act of vandalism. A mammoth yellow cedar that was sacred to our First Nations was cut down for no reason. The world grieves these losses so much.....

  12. I don't even want to know who would do such a thing. Yes, it will probably grow again in the spring from the base.
    I can feel your loss Debra. So senseless and difficult to get one's head around.

  13. How absolutely cruel and senseless!

  14. BASTARDS is right! How can destroying a tree make a person feel good or "big" ?

  15. -sigh- This is the second time I have read a post, about this.

    There just aren't any answers, to why such things are done. Bleahhhh...

  16. This is tragic. I hate seeing any tree cut down, and this senseless vandalism is even worse. .poor tree can't even defend itself. Extremely heartbreaking.

    Hopefully, the Spirit of the tree is stronger than anyone thinks, and it will become its robust self soon. .and the bad Karma that those vandals generated will continue to also grow, and follow them wherever they go. You don't mess with Mother Nature.

  17. Some people are just born damned mean. Period.

    Find them and string them up...from a tree.

  18. my heart has sunk into my stomach; this is so very awful Deb, thank you for sharing x

  19. This is horrible and heart-wrenching. This is what happens when we disconnect from the natural world.

    I wonder if it was a random act of violence or a hate crime.


  20. I wish only painful crush on their lives, that they live with that pain they have so caused others.

    Thus ends my effectiveness at curses.

  21. The parable of the tree is that they grow again. The crucial bit is - Who keeps the seeds?.
    Cheers, and Best Wishes for the Festive Season.

  22. I cried for this tree when I heard. My heart still does.

  23. I think is just horrible, I don't understand why people do these things. The expression on the one womans face says it all. tragic. Be well Debra.

  24. Shame...
    I just don't get this kind of behavior at all... don't get it...

  25. I was very very sad to hear about this. I hope the perpetrators are found and punished.

  26. I could not agree with you more....dear lady.



  27. I tend to believe in the innate goodness and beauty of people. Something like this chips away at my belief and feels like betrayal. Unfathomable to try to understand what could drive anyone to such pointless cruelty.
    Wishing many blessings of love and healing to the Holy Thorn of Glastonbury on Wearyall Hill. May you be well. May you be strong again.

  28. i'm with octoberfarm...HOPEFULLY what goes around comes around...

  29. Sick plainly a sick choice...leaves one dumbfounded and speechless....HOPE springs eternal and a sprig may save the day...fingers crossed or should I say paws crossed! ;-)

  30. Helium quality balloons filled with water... I'll add instructions. :) L

  31. Sigh... No good shall come to this who did this...
    It is sad, but hope springs eternal & we must hope it will grow back, stronger than ever.

  32. It was awful when this story hit the news. The worst thing about it, is that there is no possible reason for doing it other than mindless destruction.

  33. Completely senseless...why in the world would someone do such a thing...perhaps they were truly deranged and knew not what they were doing on a conscious level? Perhaps it will regenerate, trees are amazing the way they can hold up to such things and recover.

  34. Sometimes I hate people. I'm so glad you got to see it...before...

  35. You know I always say that the Universe has a way of correcting all the negativity in the world. And those who are responsible for this will get their comeuppance. (Did I just use the word 'comeuppance' in a sentence?)

  36. Oh, I'm sickened. Not only is the tree a living and feeling being but one that means so much to so many people and has been revered through the centuries. May Karma take whoever killed this tree and stick a branch where the sun never shines.

  37. I was really saddened when I found out. I just can't understand why anyone would do such a thing.

  38. this is horrid. i hadn't heard until your post.
    i had shivers over my body reading this. so sad how disconnected people are from nature/the sacred.


  39. Your picture of it before that you actually got to take and see it is beautiful...I pray it will regrow, stronger and greater than before. I wish I could have seen it. *hugs*...I knew about the Holy Thorn, from reading so much history and legend, so I wept when I saw the news, literally. However, you got to see it, be there with has to have hit you even harder. Your grief is deep. I pray healing for you and the tree...

  40. The people who did this are complete and total assholes.

  41. Tragic . . . absolutely cruel and horribly terrible . . . attacking a defenseless life tended to with love and celebrated. It's an attack on the community and love . . . I hope the people who attacked it evolve and the tree is able to grow new limbs.


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