Monday 13 December 2010

The Light Returns With Sankta Lucia

Today is the feast day of Sankta Lucia (St. Lucy), the superficially Christianized rendition of the Nordic Goddess of the Winter Solstice. I've written about Her before (click here and here, if you're interested) but this year I want to focus on the beautiful Maidens who attend Her. Dressed all in white like the winter snow, they are often accessorized with tinsel crowns and sashes as in these photos from various Lucia pageants. The Maidens and their candles assist the Goddess as She brings the Solstice light to brighten the midwinter darkness. Shine on, Maidens, shine on!


  1. I've missed you Deb : )

  2. It's funny--I have a picture of my sister dressed just like that for a Christmas pageant in the late 70's, but that was back when schools still did nativity plays, and she was supposed to be an angel. It seems all of these traditions we Christians claim as our own came in one way or another from the pagans--even tinsel crowns! I love it!

  3. ~so beautiful! thank you for sharing...wishing you bright light and warmth in your days to come~

  4. How wonderful and lovely! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  5. They are so adorable all dressed up. I love the crowns too.

  6. I just think it's hysterical that you "recognized" me : ) You little pisser ; )

  7. A great way to celebrate the 'light'.

  8. Awesome pics...thanks for sharing!!!

  9. Every SuperHero or SuperHeroine needs their sidekick(s). LOL
    Love the photos. Makes me feel like I am (almost) there.

  10. I was going to make some special "Lucia" cookies today and am now more inspired after reading your post. Love the photos. Wishing you a season of light and goddess magick, Debra.

  11. Beautiful. Another who says thank you for sharing this.

  12. I tried to explain to a good friend how Christians stole the pagan holiday for the birth of Jesus and you would have thought I said her child was a demon..sigh*

  13. I was a Maiden one year,was a complete thrill!

  14. They is so precious! I was a Maiden about a gazillion years ago. My last time was memorable; not because I did anything especial, but because the High Priestess used real candles and well I think there was too much hairspray involved. I laughed. I got in trouble for laughing, but it was funny. Does that make me mean? She didn't get hurt...

  15. just read your last horrible..who would do such and insane scary...thank Debra for keeping the fires alive...pheww....friggin speechless.

  16. Wow! How lovely! Thanks for sharing.


  17. The photos are SO beautiful! Thanks for sharing Debra :-)

  18. have to admit that it's sort of odd from my point of view - celebrating a "midwinter" festival in the middle of summer.

  19. I love this!!! Thanks for the beautiful pictures...Before Wordweaving got her 3rd degree, she was a Maiden in the coven that trained her. I wonder if there is a male counter part to this somewhere in the Greenman legends...

  20. I missed this post. This is truly beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.


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