Thursday 9 December 2010

Christmas Card Photos

Here's hoping yours turn out better!


  1. ~cards...what cards...were suppose to send out cards!?!?! so behind! hopefully this is just to cute...and inevitable that someone has to blink or turn or in our case...make a face! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. Those photos with the errors are the best ones for cards...

  3. I'm actually surprised that I got Christmas cards out this year. Might not next year, but got this year covered! I think I'd like a card where someone blinked...especially someone as cute as fluffy! Hope your holidays are filled with wonderfulness and light!

  4. Ha ha! The cat one reminds me of my kids. I can only ever get one of them looking at the camera and smiling. The other one always has to pull a weird face or start wandering off as I snap the shot!

  5. I'm with faerwillow. At this rate, I'll be lucky to get out New Years cards.

  6. I bought the cards...but the writing and sending of them seems to be blocked....

  7. Oh crap...reminded me that I still have to send out cards!

  8. I'm with Fluffy! Let's grin and sneer whenever our photo's taken.

  9. The kitten one is just tooo cute. I love Fluffy!

  10. hahaha... I actually have a typo in my card this year. DOH! Note to self: don't type out xmas cards after midnight when you are tired!!!

  11. I don't do cards any more..I used to send out over a I had deliver some to the people in town..and that's about it.I pretty much let everyone know I love them all year long, don't have to send it out in a card..besides..I'd blink.

  12. LOL! How did you know I was stressing out about my cards this year! Usually I have a brilliant idea by now.....I am starting to panic.


  13. i blink/wink alla time, so what? :P lol

  14. lol-- great! my best friend's cards have her two year old crying in the pictures- she says he always looks like that so why bother sending out pictures of him smiling...

  15. Yes, those dreaded Xmas cards. If we have their correct address then they get a card. But that's next week country since it takes longer for the parcels...still to go out. But, still making the gifts too, yikes, almost done. Blessings to all for a wonderful holiday season!!

  16. lol- the kid blinked ! bloody kids !

  17. My husband and I are the worst photogenic people on the planet, my cards are gone already. you have the best posts. have a great day.


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