Wednesday 8 December 2010

John Lennon (1940-1980)

Thirty years ago today, John Lennon was murdered. When it happened, it was so shocking and hard to believe that he was dead. Now, it's just hard to believe that it was so long ago.

It was John Lennon's great blessing and great curse to be the Voice of His Generation. For better or for worse, he will always be a legend.


  1. Such a tragic loss...Some small thing might have prevented it...too late now...we cannot go back...

  2. ~a beautiful spirit...your final words are very eloquently spoken...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. :0) Have you heard his son sing...look up Sean Lennon on you tube...amazing!

  4. We will always miss him...He was such a creative force and he was just warming up.....

  5. It's like everyone remembers where they were when John Kennedy was shot..and where you were when John Lennon was shot..I was watching Monday Night Football(of course) and Howard Cosell said he'd been shot and killed. I remember thinking Howard must be drunk...he probably was ..but didn't make the message any less sad..

  6. a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul!

  7. ...and he'd be 70...
    What a tragic loss that was. Tragic and needless.

  8. Great minds think alike kid...I did my post on J.L. also. Well how could we not....Sadness still dwells in my heart thinking about it. BBC America is doing a days worth of programming on him. I’ll sit in front of the telly today.

  9. I also heard the news via Howard Cosell. John not only was a great inspiration, he was also my first teenaged crush. He was brilliant.

  10. His death happened when I was little but I remember because my mum was really upset. She was a huge Beetles fan with John being her favourite.

  11. I'm so proud to share his birthday. Libras rock. And roll.

  12. Oh my, so long ago. I loved him, and Imagine was one of my favorite songs. Strawberry Fields is a lovely place. If you ever get here, be sure to visit.

  13. Such a tragic loss of a wonderful human being. Lovely post.


  14. Oh my ~ he'd be 70! Too young to be lost, but immortal.

  15. I was a sophomore in high school when that I'm feeling old!

  16. they should've executed chapman... 30 years ago! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  17. My mom was pregnant with me when John Lennon was killed and on the 25th anniversary I was pregnant with my son. It was a beautiful thing to be carrying life and listening to "Imagine" all over the radio. The lessons I've learned from his legacy have been wonderful and i hope to keep learning :)

  18. A beautiful tribute to John Lennon
    he didn't have to die. Yes Imagine if he were still alive today. His message was powerful and lives on.


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