Thursday 23 December 2010

Happy Festivus!

Hooray! Today is Festivus for the rest of us! And I'm all ready for it. The Festivus Pole is up:

The Festivus cards have been sent and the pretend donations to fake charities have been made:

Tonight's dinner will be the traditional Festivus meal of meatloaf with all the trimmings. For my guests I've also got a couple of special cakes decorated in the spirit of the holiday:

During dinner, we'll begin The Airing of Grievances -- always a special time in any family! I've been saving up my petty resentments and toxic feelings all year long! I will commence The Airing of Grievances ritual with the time-honoured Festivus words: I got a lot of problems with you people. And now, you're gonna hear about it.

And finally, Festivus concludes with everyone's favourite ritual -- the Feats of Strength -- when the Head of the Household is pinned to the floor, signifying that Festivus is officially over. Around here, the Head of the Household is Her Royal Highness, of course. But she's pretty tough to wrestle with, so our Festivus may continue for days!

[Reminder: if you haven't entered my giveaway yet, click here and do so!]


  1. mwuahahahahahahaha

    ...mother did always like you best! :P

  2. "I got a lot of problems with you people. And now, you're gonna hear about it." That's common dinner conversation on a nightly basis in Casa De Psycho. Hmmmm, perhaps we should save it for once a year? It would have to be more of a Hanukah/Festivus because us bitches need at least 8 nights of that.

  3. Too Funny! Though I do know people who celebrate the Holidays a day or two ahead of time.

  4. ~ooops...i think i may have celebrated festivus a few days early...hehehe...i happened to let my feelings come out a bit to soon!!! love it! warm holiday wishes and brightest blessings to you and yours~

  5. one year when mojo was about 9-10 she decided to be the comedian..and right when we were sitting down to eat she says "I think you all are A-holes...let the party begin."..
    I laughed so hard.

  6. So that is what Festivus is!

    Happy Festivus!

  7. Happy Festivus!

    I got the Solstice Carols the other day....thank you!!

  8. Meatloaf with all the trimmings. One of my favorites. Always reminds me of the movie "A Christmas Story". That's the only thing the mom seems to make, and it looks so good that I always run out for the ingredients and make it for my family

  9. Awesome celebration this time of year! LOL

  10. Hahahaha,now there is a holiday I can reeeally get into!

  11. Ooh - I'm loving the sound of all this - I need an evening like this, definitely!! Have fun.

  12. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS TRADITION......(O:(O: I don't think there could be enough time in the evening for everyone in my family to air all their grievances. LOL



  13. Debra, I LOVE this post! Thank you :D

  14. Funny one!! I like it. Many blessings to you and yours this holiday season and all year through!!

  15. man...did that ever hit home....

    that's why we are laying low this year

    merry christmas, my friend
    kary and teddy

  16. I KNOW fun will be had by all! Happy Festivus Debra.

  17. FESTIVUS! Yeah! You nailed it sweetie.

    Joys to you and yours,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  18. Lets hear it for the rest of us!
    So glad I found this post!

  19. i can't say I ever heard of this tradition either! But boy does it sound funny! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  20. I love this. Horray for Dan O'Keefe.

    Happy Festivus for the Restofus.

  21. Let's put the Us back in Festivus!

  22. lol lol- oh yes, who would miss the airing of grievances..snort x 1566...............Happy Festivus you beautiful woman !

  23. too much fun being had up there in Canada!!!

  24. Oh, I like the "Air of Grievances" although I don't wait for any damn holiday to say that to my family...Hmmm, perhaps that's why I'm not invited to have a nice and "normal" holiday dinner ;)

  25. My favorite one is 'you both suck for different reasons' And the kitten is adorable. :)

    Blessings Fiona

  26. Oh that is great! Happy Festivus!


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