Monday 6 December 2010

Merry Cashmas!

As defined by Urban Dictionary, Cashmas (also know as $mas) is the:

primary holiday celebrated in capitalist cultures. Generally observed around the winter solstice, Cashmas is a celebration of materialism in which its celebrants attempt to flatter or impress relatives, friends, and acquaintances with the extent of their purchasing power (the "power to get"). Cashmas co-opts signs, symbols, and sympathies from other religious holidays of the winter season to mask its foundation of conspicuous consumption.

Woo hoo! Who cares? Screw analysis and insight -- my Christmas shopping is done!


  1. ~ALL DONE!?!?...could you rub it in a little more!!! i still have some to do...will get there...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. Congratulations!! I'm sending Hubs today...good luck to him...

  3. Now you can enjoy all the festivities! ....just bring some cash.....

  4. I haven't even begun...but my list is small....hubby and my two sons...and, of course, my cat.

  5. Good for you...
    I'm almost done. It could also be called Stressmass...xoxo

  6. Done? Wow. Good for you.

    Mine is, well, begun. But just barely.

  7. Show off. I've decided I'm just going go give everyone a stale jellybean.

  8. I like the word, $mas . Seems fairly appropriate.... especially since mas means more in Spanish.

  9. I love urban dictionary and this is a good one! Is the stocking hung for "her royal highness"? :)

  10. Oh yes, Her Royal Highness's stocking is hung and already has gifts in it. She makes out like a bandit at Christmas. One year she got more gifts than I did.

  11. It's one of the reasons why I don't like this holiday at all, the focus on stuff. Way to go getting your shopping done! I have only done a little but I am taking baby steps, otherwise I will get overwhelmed.

  12. Even though I don't *feed* "The Christmas Machine" any more...

    My shopping isn't done, yet.

    So I still like the sentiment! And I still say; "Screw the Christmas Machine!" >,-)

    Happy Happy!
    From: "Ol' Auntie Scrooge"

  13. Cashmas and Stressmas for sure. The time of year that I want most to run away. It's too much everything, mostly too much work!

  14. I'd like to ask all the people on facebook that send up the status of keep the Christ in Christmas if they are going to church on Christmas eve or Christmas day? or observing any church services around Christmas..

  15. I think it is hilarious that you have labeled it $-mas.



  16. Hi hon...I wanted to pop on by and give you a hug hon..a great big Christmas hug..not $mas hug..cause I am so deeply touched and are what it is all about!
    Hugs and love, Sarah :)

  17. first smile of this day goes to you dear Deb.....and I wish, just wish that it was around the winter solstice down here.
    capitalist or not, I am going to love the goodwill this SPF brings !!
    smooch x

  18. That definition is fantastic! Made my day...ahahaha. Love it!

  19. Ours is done!!! Also proudly spent even less per gift this year than before, and, as usual, all locally handmade items (except for the chocolate bars). The adults need to be good with "it's the thought that counts" and it's the little kids who get something nicer.

  20. I've also seen it called "Crassmas" ...


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