Tuesday 7 December 2010

Gift Wrapping 101

Now that all the gifts are purchased, it's time to wrap them! Oh look -- what's this? A tutorial?

In the best tradition of Queen Victoria, my cat (Her Royal Highness) is Not Amused. Not Amused At All.


  1. Absolutely hilarious. What was that cat on that he was willing to sit there and be wrapped?! It took me 15 minutes to get my cat into the carrier to take him to the vet yesterday!

  2. That was too cute! I love how to kitty just sat there and let itself be wrapped. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh Debra! This brings back so many funny times with our cat Rita! She used to LOVE helping with the gift-wrapping too!! Just like HRH!! lol

  4. I love it. That cate was just too cute. I couldn't imagine mine being so quiet about the whole thing.

  5. Hold up. Wait just a ding dang minute, girlfriend! You have all your Christmas presents purchased and ready to wrap? Who are you, Martha Stewart or something?

    Girl, you ain't normal.

    I just started yesterday - and shopping online. Buy it, wrap it and ship it to me!

    I'm still fretting over what to get Hubz for Christmas. What do you get the man who has everything - a man who loves everything 'designer' and expensive?

    I always tell friends who want to get me a gift to just make a donation in my name to one of the charities I support. I don't need anything, but Hubz looooves 'stuff'.

    Do they sell stars or constellations? Or even galaxies? I think that might do it for him.

  6. i am laughing...that kitty with the crown..too funny

    and i LOVE the merry cashmas......

    kary and teddy

  7. You find the best kitty vids. Debra! My girls and I had to watch this over and over again. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face and for making my girls purrrr with happiness.

  8. I'd still be staunching the blood from the Dexter cuts..

  9. My cats like to get involved with the wrapping, but in the more traditional feline way. .helping to curl the ribbon, shred paper for filler, see how many pieces of sticky tape they can get to stick on their paws at the same time, but no way would they ever lay there so peacefully and content to let me wrap them up like that. .

    I showed my kitties the video, and they laughed themselves silly, and shared a few unkind thought about that kitty, until I reminded that Santa was listening. They were apologetic, but I'm wondering how sincere. Such is the way in the cat world. Sigh

  10. I never get tired of seeing that video :) Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to go home and wrap my cats.....but I like my blood in my body :)


  11. Oh that was wonderful! Both my boys watched too. My cats are running around a little insanely and didn't want to watch. What a patient kitty you have ! Lois

  12. I love the kitty-wrap video - too cute!

  13. such a good pussycat to let you do this to her ...

  14. I had to wrapped a stuffed purple tiger, and it reminded me of this - except that the purple tiger didn't mind being wrapped. ;-)

  15. I love how the cat just sat there calmly while he was being wrapped. Too cute!

  16. That was great. It’s so not what I expected.

  17. That cat looks like she *belongs* in those royal duds ... and she knows it too ... although I detect certain thoughts simmering under the queenly surface: "Get these f**king ruffles off me or I shall shred your knickers and your knees to bloody knobs!"


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