Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, Her Royal Highness totally overdid it with the catnip last night. She's paying the price this morning, poor girl. I hope none of you are in the same condition.

So today's date is ONE-ONE-ONE-ONE -- how mystical is that, eh? In tarot, ONE is the number of the Magician -- the person who knows how to turn dreams, ideas and potential into action and reality. As a wise person once wrote:


but is achieved by focus, determination and hard work. May this magical year of ONE-ONE-ONE-ONE be a year of fruition and blessings for us all!

[Tomorrow I'll post the winner of the giveaway!]


  1. -chuckle- Poor, poor Royal Highness! I was thinking of all the hung-over-and-sick-and-head-achy people out there in the world. And kind of smug, that I'm not one of them. ,-) {I know, that's nasty, but hey, that's me!}

    Yes, our "bubbly" is still chilling. It will be consumed eventually. Not gonna' waste it, while we're in this cold-induced-fog though! Waste! Waste! Waste! :-(

    I'm sure Her Royal Highness is the only one in your abode, who is "wasted" this morning. So you two smart ones up there, have a lovely first day of the New Year. And try to not make much noise. HRH must need her peace and QUIET! >,-)

    Gentle New Years hugs...

  2. Hi Debra, tarot reading puzzles me, i know that sometimes i am just trying far too hard and should relax and allow my intuition to work but often I just stare at a card and get...well...nothing! I mean of course I can look up the meaning but it feels like cheating somehow and then there are so many flippin meanings for one card and then it depends on where it is in the spread. I feel as though Im battling to connect somehow.Im sure it shouldnt be such hard work, should it? Shouldnt it just feel natural? Any advice?

  3. "May this magical year of ONE-ONE-ONE-ONE be a year of fruition and blessings for us all!" Amen!

    My head hit the pillow way before midnight ... that's okay ... it's still 1 1 11 !!!!!

  4. Well said! Happy New Year my friend!

  5. I celebrated with Inky and Anissa and brought home all the beads and leis for Dexter...he liked that very much. I was all stoked by all the diet cokes and didn't go to sleep till almost 6am.'s really cool..
    hope you had a great nye.

  6. Good morning.....I, too, believe this will be a magical year for those who seek it.....every
    time I stop by here....I learn something I did not know before. I love this.



  7. Poor kittybinkle! A catnip hangover will most definitely have Her Royal Highness putting a major accent on the second syllable of her "speak"! ("'Me'-OW!")

    Happy New Year!
    Cellar Door

    An ENORMOUS Postscript:
    At the start of this soon~to~be grand 2011, I resolve to replace resolutions with wishes!

    From across the pond, The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas (by John and Caitlin Matthews) arrived, red and green and gold foiled-wrapped inside a Christmas parcel to me from Gemmama (my grandmother who presently visits in the UK)! At midnight, as the clocks all at once sang their songs announcing a shiny-new year, the following wish-lovely spell from the book’s pages I did cast (and because the remains of this day yet belong to New Year's Day, I am certain time is plenty enough for you to likewise make a wish for 2010!):

    Fill a large shallow dish with raisins (preferably golden) and pour a few drizzles of brandy over them. Put out the lights then set torch to the "cheer." Whilst it is still "going," snatch one of the raisins from the flames. As you put the fevered fairy-fruit in your mouth, make a wish! It will be granted in the next twelve months, it is promised! (PLEASE TO NOTE: Remember the Law of Three: what you do will come back to you threefold, whether for good or ill, so never perform any spell to harm or control as it will ultimately not only hurt your “intended,” but also yourself.)

  8. Ah, yes, the good old catnip. Minga's overdone it many times in her 19 years. Wish I had a cure, but they just have to deal with it. Happy New Year's to you and yours.

  9. I loved learning that 1 is the number of the Magician; may we all embrace the magic and blessings in each moment!

  10. Happy New Year! I wish you Light, Love and Bright Blessings.

  11. Happy New One Year!!!! And me and that cat are in the same boat!

  12. From my family to yours, have a glorious year filled with many blessings!

  13. I have three 1's in my birthdate.. yesterday, my birthday had many 1.1.11 - so I will take that card as my own, thankyou very much.

    some very wise comments here!

  14. Happy 1-1-1-1 to you and yours! MWAH!

  15. How is it that I had not thought about this until reading your post. Well Happy One- One- One- One to you to. Yes, I'm feeling like a ball bat has been taken to my body and my head, but drinking anymore does that to me. I never thought the day would ever come when I wouldn't want to drink...but I believe it is here to stay. I just can't do it anymore. Hope you had a Wonderful New Year and looking forward to 2011 and all that she will bring.

    New Year's Blessings on you & yours!
    The Magician is *my* Tarot card, according to the numerological formula using one's name. In Paulina Cassidy's first Tarot, the Magician is a woman, and just a super-beautiful card. Always glad to hear more about Card #1.

  17. Dear Debra, I want to wish you a very special New Year! Your comments and your encouragement were highlights of my blogging life! I truly appreciate you! :o)

  18. hangover for me!! Well, I did go to bed at 9:30 and didn't drink ;) I too love that this year is beginning on 1.1.11. Such a good omen. I know this year will be filled with magic. Happy New Year to you!!!

  19. Hello your Royal Highness, sounds like you celebrated for me too. I don't get hangovers anymore, since I don't drink alcohol. Seems to me the best cure was a Caesar, you know that crazy Canadian concoction but with lots of hot sauce.

    Many Blessings and Happy New Year to you and everyone on here!!

  20. I need some magic to get my kids to bed! Their internal clocks are all messed up from the late nights, and it would seem midnight is an acceptable time to retire to their bedrooms! Aaaargh!
    But happy new year to you!

  21. With much love and appreciation sent your way. Happy 2011 Debra...Thank you so much for being you..

  22. Hey Happy 2011 Debra! Hope the headache has subsided. . .
    I do love the tarot and numerology, and like yourself noted the multiple "1"s at the onset of this year --
    wishing you a fruitful year, too --
    take care!


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