Sunday 2 January 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Thank you so much, everyone, for entering my 200+ Followers Giveaway! All the entries from that post were put in a big bowl and, by random selection, a single name was drawn:

Congratulations, Lois! I know you'll enjoy the Sand Labyrinth. Please leave me your mailing address in a comment on this post. Since I moderate all comments, I won't publish it -- don't worry! And I'll mail the Sand Labyrinth to you asap!


  1. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations to your winner.

    Blessings Fiona

  2. Woo Hoo!!! Congrats Lois! :0)

  3. ~happy new year to you and yours...i hope your visit with your mum was a wonderful time spent...congrats to you Lois...enjoy your new book!!! much love light and blessings be with you always~

  4. This is a great idea Debra (congratulations Lois)...I just passed 200 too and am thinking it is time for a giveaway at my blog as well. Thanks for the idea:)

  5. Oh wow!!! I'm so happy, and it made my day! Thank you Debra. I've made it up to 3 followers, I'm just a blogger baby.

    I LOVE labyrinths. :)

  6. congratulations and thanks for doing this..


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