Wednesday 5 January 2011

Slow Day

I got nuthin' today. NUTHIN'. So I thought I'd post a couple more pictures of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.

You're kind of a wet blanket, HRH. Okay, okay, here's a British movie star hunk for you too. Happy now? Sheesh.


  1. I hope The Rare One isn't getting jealous ; )

  2. Giggle Snort...too cute! I love Colin Firth!! The perfect English hunk!! I cannot say I have seen him in anything I did not enjoy..thank you for the AM eye candy :) Hugs to you!

  3. My kid doesn't go back to school until tomorrow and I'm going bananas here. The pictures of Colin Firth are the only thing keeping me sane, so keep 'em coming!!

  4. ~my mind is right there with you!!! yes, a wonderful charming one is he and your royal highness now has a little treat for the eye!!! much love light and blessings be with you and yours~

  5. Love the kitty. They have the best expressions.

  6. You know I love Colin Firth, I always think he has been so overlooked as an actor. I will have to see this movie, hope you are well and enjoying the New Year. take care.hugs.

  7. Thank you. I can now go throughout my day with those images in my mind.


  8. I loved him as Mr. Darcy! It is my absolutely favorite adaptation of Pride and Prejudice!

  9. I'm more impressed with the kitteys.

  10. I am in love with both this man and that kitteh.



  11. Stop it! You're going to make me fall in love with Mr. Darcy all over again!! LOL

    And it doesn't help that mom bought me the movie for Christmas. Yep, the one with Colin Firth. So I can watch it anytime I like. lol

  12. My sister saw THE KINGS SPEECH and said it was AWESOME. I never saw THE SINGLE MAN and I would LOVE to see it. I have to check Net Flicks or the Red Box....

  13. Oh... Mr. Darcy....

    As Elly would say *slurp*


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