Tuesday 4 January 2011

The King's Speech

We saw a wonderful movie the other day called The King's Speech. It depicts how King George VI's stammering was successfully treated throughout the course of his reign by an unorthodox Australian therapist. Here's the trailer, if you haven't already seen the movie:

I highly recommend this movie and not just because it stars the magnificent actor, Colin Firth. Although I do love Colin Firth in a movie . . . any movie. Of course, no matter what other roles he plays, he'll always be the definitive Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice . . . oh, Mr. Darcy . . . I . . . I grow faint!

Yes, I'd definitely switch for him!


  1. i'm a big Mr. Darcy fan myself :)

  2. I'm DYING to see this movie. I love Colin Firth too! Definitely switch-worthy!!

  3. You'd switch for him? I'm hetero and wouldn't do anything for him. Just sayin'.

    I have an I'd switch for.....Kate Moennig (Shane from the L Word). Hawt Hawt Hawt. I was OBSESSED with that show.

  4. LOL, Dark Mother! Who knows what sparks those juices, eh? Shane is too skinny for my taste. Also, not butch enough for a butch. But she does have a sexy voice, I'll grant you that!

  5. I want him to play Rocco when they make my book into a movie. Not that I daydream big or anything.

  6. You are absolutely right about who knows what sparks it!

    I like Kate because she's got that androgenous (sp?) look, and she just seems to exude sex.

  7. Haven't seen it yet.....but it is definitely a must see!!


  8. I love Colin too. He's not the obvious Hollywood sex symbol and I like that.

    Who would I switch for? Hmmmm... Rachel Weisz :-)

  9. I've had many naughty fantasies about Colin. While I loved him in "Pride and Prejudice" my favorite two roles he was in, were "Bridget Jone's Diary" I want a man like him! and it was funny he was named "Darcy" ;) and in "Love Actually". He does bumbling and being uncomfortable so well. Thanks for this clip about the movie, I'll have to check it out. If I were to switch and this would be a fun question to ask people, I'd say Monica Belucci. A complete Aphrodite, oh my goddess ;)

  10. I never got the Colin Firth thing..but I love good movies ..

  11. I'm so glad to hear how much you enjoyed this movie. From the second I heard about it, i've been dying to see it!!! Colin Firth, here I come!

  12. LOL! I could not agree more about Colin - oh my!!

    Definately will ge checking this out. Thanks for the heads up.


  13. you are funny!

    I saw it yesterday with my mum.. to a packed movie theatre and I am going back today with Joe.. it was absolutely brilliant. deserving of an award I would say.

  14. heeheehee
    I could switch for a few people..so far they've all been movie stars and singers until I met a woman in real life..eek! That scared the crap out of me,lol
    Apaprently I'm not as hetero as I thought I was..who knew!?

    I shall put this movie on my must see list!

  15. Debra, I think you have a new post topic ;-) "Who would you switch for?"

  16. Dang, yet another rave for the film. We've got it at our corner indie theater, so I've got no excuse now, as well as a wonderful reason for some delicious movie popcorn.

  17. Cora, I think you're right!!!! Watch for such a post next week.

    Get your thinking caps on, everyone!

  18. Sure you would!!!
    A must see for us too! I loved him in The Single Man.

  19. Cora is on to something! Judging by the interesting comments here it might be VERY interesting indeed.

    Indeed, such a British word. Looks like a great movie and thanks for the clip. He is a gorgeous man but I would never switch, never! I know they say never say never. Nope, never!

  20. Looks good..I will see if my netflix's has it!

  21. I keep hearing good things about this film (the kings speech...the second one I've seen multiple times I know what you mean...but I'm already partnered to a lovely man...similar chin, beneath his beard)...Well before you know it it will be up on netflix too:)

  22. I've seen it!
    It's fabulous!
    Great story,
    and yes,
    Colin Firth.

  23. 100% agree with you: He will ALWAYS be Mr. Darcy and now whenever I re-read Pride and Prejudice, the image of Mr. Darcy looks (and SOUNDS) just like Colin Firth!

    Thank you for the shoutout for The King's Speech. I aim to watch it Q1'11.


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