Monday 10 January 2011

Who would YOU switch for?

So last week I confessed to having a wee hankering for Colin Firth, which of course reveals that I am NOT a Kinsey 6.

But I AM a Kinsey 5.9 so such hankerings ARE extremely rare on my part. However, in the interests of full disclosure, I suppose I should also note that I am NOT a Gold Star Lesbian either.

Let's just say Doofus from the Dauphin Ukrainian Festival and leave it at that, okay? (Alright, click here and here, if you must).

Unfortunately, he did not look like Colin Firth, in his Mr. Darcy persona or otherwise.

But enough of that.

In her comment on my confessional post, Cora of The Postulations of an Iconoclastic Domina suggested today's post topic. And I am admittedly intrigued by wondering what people might say --

So . . . who would YOU be willing to go slip-slidin' away with on the Kinsey scale? Hmmmm? 'Fess up!


  1. I can safely say, it would not be Colin Firth...unless of course, he brought along a nice bottle of Manischewitz. However, I would insist that he leave the poles home.

  2. I did mention Kate Moenning (Shane from L Word) in your original post....but I failed to mention Scarlette Johansson.

    Two different "types" but fuck it.

  3. I have thought about this for a few minutes, but I can honestly say that I can't think of anyone. I'll think about it, and if something comes up, you'll be the first to know.

  4. Wait, so I'm not a gold star hetero? They give out stars? We're being graded on this shit?

    Top 5? Tina Fey, K.D. Lang (not so much now, think more the Constant Craving K.D.), Holly Hunter, Amy Poehler, and The blogger formally known as Eternally Distracted's wee granny.

  5. And Patty Punker. Damnit did I forget Patty Punker? *sigh*

  6. Had a quick think about this, and although I can appreciate how attractive another woman is, I can't imagine doing anything *rude* with them! ;o) Not even kissing. :o(

    Shame, because I'd probably have done better with women than I did with some of the men I met in my late teens and 20s! lol

  7. -giggles- True Confessions. -giggles-

    I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to comment on my recent blog entry.

    Gentle hugs...

  8. Damn, not quite a gold star queer here! And there was only one person that I would have switched for - long ago and far away in a land and time that no longer exist.

    Just noticed something odd: I believe I would write in a land that no longer exists but for land and time I have to use exist. Isn't English wonderful - try and explain that one to ESL students.

  9. I SWEAR I was going to post on this very topic today after your Colin Firth confession. I'm going to save my answer and of course I'll credit you.

  10. On the Kinsey scale I fall somewhere in the 1-2 category. I can not confess that I'm a "gold star" hetero, nor would I want to, because my very few encounters with women have been a blessing, just like my encounters with men. They've all helped to make me who I am.
    Now for the confession of who I'd "switch" for...ummmm...let's see. Well, that's an easy one, I've got a huge crush on chef Lynn Crawford. I know!!! There's just something about her that's awesome :)

  11. I second the "we are getting graded on this?!" I'm a Gold Star hetero and probably a Kinsey 0.5 ;-)

    As I said earlier, Rachel Weizs...but I think I would be intimidated by her. Also maybe Reece Witherspoon, although I'm not a huge fan of blondies :-P

    Loved your posts about Doofus. I guess you wouldn't do so well with being an Archaeologist ;-) My field seasons were *only* 3 weeks of camping...and it was the whole shebang: porta-potties, sun showers with tarps strung between trees, tents, bears, racoons, deer, and bringing in our own water.

    Good times.

    I did it two years in a row. Having a bottle of Manischewitz would have made it sooo much more interesting, hehe.

  12. Hmmm..? I don't think I'd switch for anyone. (Although, I do know a location scout who slept with Colin - a wee small in the manhood department - if you know what I mean).

  13. I've never really understood the Colin Firth appeal but each to her own ;-)

    I think I'd switch for Catherine Zeta Jones and possibly Rachel Weisz if Cora hasn't snapped her up already by then.

  14. Easy.

    Meg White from The White Stripes and Kate Moenning from the L Word. Rachael Griffith, just because and
    Jilly Cooper too because she is hilarious !

    Colin Firth ? In a heart beat. YUM x

  15. I'm a Kinsey 6! So I wouldn't switch for anyone. I'm not Gold Star, but then when I grew up I honestly, swear to you, didn't know that women were an option.

    It was a very happy day when I finally figured that out.

  16. First off Debra, let me say that I am very much surprised at you Missy! lol
    Let`s see, since I too am not a Gold Star Lesbian either, I would have to say I`d switch for Angelina Joli....but just for a second or two....I`m sorry! It`s those lips! I just can`t help it!

  17. Hmmmmm.. well let's see...maybe the gal who plays Gwen on Torchwood..she is hot..or maybe Sandra Bullock...being I am a 1 on the scale..I had to give this one some tought..LOL didn't take to long..what does that say???!!!
    Hugs hon, Sarah

  18. Bad lesbian. BAD! ;)

    Ohhhh maaan, Manischewitz is TEH EBIL! I have a friend who swears by the stuff. I don't think I could have drunk it even when I had the tastebuds of a 5-year-old o_O

    My list is long and includes a lot of red-heads (fire crotches tee hee hee...). Angleina Jolie, obviously. Tilda Swinton, Omahyra Mota, Shirley Manson, Christina Hendricks... and I'm drawing a blank there. Too many hormones fuzzing my brain ;)

    I love the idea of an "incidental" hetero/homo ha ha!

  19. The only woman who's ever really knocked my socks off is Nigella Lawson. She's got the sensual woman thing down (plus the British accent.) I think if she showed up in my kitchen (and cooked for me,) I would consider switching.

  20. i KNEW i liked you for SOME reason. I HATE CAMPING TOO

  21. I guess I'm pretty much a gold-star straightie, but I'd flip in a second - even if temporarily - for Peter Sarsgaard. Yum.

  22. I can appreciate an attractive woman, but I can honestly say that I don't feel sexually attracted to them. Now Colin Firth...MMmmm Yummy! Especially when he was in Pride and Prejudice!

  23. Honey Im as gay as you get, i sneeze frinkin glitter for God's sake! But if I had to switch, hands down it would have to be for Vanessa Williams! I wouldn't know what to do, so could I just lie there and take in her beauty?

  24. Question? How did Aunt Amelia put the link in her comment to you....

    -giggles- True Confessions. -giggles-

    I really wanted to thank you for taking the time to comment on my recent blog entry.

    The words 'my recent blog entry' linked to her blog. I didn't know you could do this in the comment section. I've done it in a post of course but not the comment box.

  25. Sophie, I don't know how she did it but I'll ask her and see if she will divulge her secret!

  26. Is it bad a few come to mind? LMAO!
    Angelina Jolie and Whitney on Real L word. Ok...I'll keep it at that!

  27. *laughing hysterically* Ok...I am - takes a deep breath - a lesbian identified, transgendered male with a wide streak of inner gay boy. How this breaks a woman (solely based on having a womans body, and not for being one), I am attracted to women, so that would qualify me as a lesbian. I am a transgender male - no surgery or anything at this point - and as I am attracted to women, I am a straight guy. Then since I feel and view myself as male, I am occasionally attracted to men as a man which is completely different from being attracted to a man as a woman - TRUST me! so there is this inner gay boy. The only thing that isn't in the make up is woman attracted to men...bleah. Absolutely is not on the radar at all, at all!

    However, in a desperate attempt to conform to religious, cultural and social mores as a youngster, I did spend 10 years married to a man and doing my best to imitate the plumage and mating dance of the heterosexual Christian Housewife. So I really have no clue what I am on the scale, or what I could possible switch to! I guarantee you that I am not a 1 anything, or a 2 even on the Kinsey scale, because I can't think of a straight male I would have any interest in, as a woman. Anybody want to parse this for me??? As for who would I "flip" for, assuming I could figure out which/what I am suppose to flip to...I am happily married, monogamous to the most wonderful woman. Who needs to flip...paradise is right here! :)

  28. The answer is clear, Cameron! You simply kick Kinsey's ass! And laugh in the face of his scale categories!

  29. Wow, what a spectrum. Well, from this 1 I would say Morgan Freeman.

  30. Well, I must confess to being a pretty straight shooter right now; I like my men, and I do like them like Colin Firth, though I also want to desperately believe that he's a NICE man. (Handsome men are often the biggest of jerks. . . )

    but I will say -- Madonna would make move me higher on this Kinsey scale. And . . . . let me think about it.

  31. Well I'm as straight as I'm introverted (which is pinned in the red at 100%; I should be living in a cave somewhere), but, well, you know, Tori Amos.

    Oh and Gillian Anderson, come to think of it. Sublimely gorgeous face, punk past and a very silly streak; that's hard to resist. Hmmm. I guess I like redheads?


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