Thursday 17 February 2011

Childhood Friends: DeeDee

The first girl I ever had a crush on was DeeDee, a cute little blonde girl I met in Grade 1. We became best friends and often played together after school. We would act out scenes from our Dick and Jane readers, like the one pictured above. Oh, innocent fun!

Then, in Grade 3, I invented a sleepover game that involved taking off all our clothes, getting in bed and just enjoying how good the cool sheets felt on our naked bodies. That game was innocent fun too.

But I think DeeDee told her Mom about the game. The next thing I knew, DeeDee said she wasn't allowed to play with me any more, although she never specified why. I was heartbroken for a while but life went on.

When we hit high school, DeeDee went completely boy crazy and I mean completely. As a not-so-innocent enticement to the boys, she stopped wearing panties under her tight polyester slacks. I still think of her whenever I see a camel toe.

[Dick and Jane collage card entitled "Wheeeee" created by Todd and used with his permission. See more fab cards at Todd's Etsy shop, Paper Lunchbox, and visit his blog, Musings from a Manic Mind.]


  1. Oh my! No panties and tight polyester. Ewwwwwwww. I dated a guy who didn't wear underwear under his jeans. I tried it for a day. Not nice. He didn't last, either.

  2. Oh the games children play! And you are correct....very innocent.
    This post reminds of a video clip I saw last week. Think you may relate to it. I`ll try to link it here. If not I`ll put it in another comment.

  3. funny, how just reading that card took me to my first grade classroom. Dick and Jane are powerful! Sounds like a fabulous game that you invented, ...just the wrong age group! I had a friend in grade school named Dee Dee too. What kind of name is that?

  4. Cool collage! Had forgotten about Dick & Jane.....

  5. Funny, when I see camel toe I think of Celine Dion. I'd rather think of Dee Dee.

  6. Hi Debra. Here's the clip which is on a similar theme......

  7. OK, for all the little lesbian girls out there, I suggest you pen a book entitled "Jane and Jane".

    Also, you were a naughty little girl!

  8. Oh man, this made my morning! I love the irony of how you were the bad influence, but she was the one who ended up going panty-less to attract the boys!
    I miss those carefree days of Dick and Jane.

  9. That was DeeDee's loss Debra, I bet she still thinks of you too, even though she may be still completely boy crazy ;)

  10. I think we all played those innocent childhood games. They are a part of what made us who we are today.

  11. LOL! And eeek to the fashion statement. But, didn't Mama notice this???????????????????

    "Mrs. Bradley" ,-)

  12. LOL, Aunt Amelia. Either Mama didn't know or didn't care! Guess anything's okay so long as it's done to attract boys!

    And love your Mrs. Bradley avatar!

  13. Where you steering the wagon or holding the umprella which if you think about it, was counterproductive to forward momentum. Am I ready too much into it?

    I think 'camel toe' is my favorite two word phrase.

  14. Completely wrong I know, but when i heard about an Egyptian protester trampled to death by policemen on camels my first thought was .. DEATH BY Camel toe!

  15. But now you have a fun game to play with your Rare One ;)

  16. Oh What great memories Dick and Jane brought to me!
    Love the Death by Camel Toe thought!!!

  17. she what happens when you turn down Debra? turn into a slut.

  18. Oh yeah, i remember those fun little sleep overs. It's where I learned to become a minx! And all the boys enjoyed staying over I might add!!! Love your cute story though, even of the camel toe!!!!

  19. This reads like a terrific episode of The United States of Tara.

  20. Debra once again goes into territory no one else would dare to go to. good on ya for being a brave warrior and being true to yourself.

  21. Thank you SOOOOOO much for featuring my friend Todd's work. You are the best!


  22. A winsome tale about youthful innocence, Debra...and about the ways that innocence gets left behind. I very much like Dark Mother's comments...we definitely need a 'Jane and Jane' reader!


  23. Moms might be shocked if they discovered how many of us played these games...


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