Friday 18 February 2011

What being a cat owner really means


  1. Too funny and too true!!!!!

  2. I need some of those yellow caution signs!!
    Hubby has a real squeamish stomach when it comes to cleaning up cat urp. I'm the one that has to do the cleanup. And in a household with 6 cats there will be cat urp. If I had some signs like that, he could just place the sign by the urp so I wouldn't have to look for the paper towels (which cover the urp).

  3. Now that's fucktacular : )

    I was at Granny's and you told her I tought you fucktastic....nope, but thanks for giving me a new one for my repertoire.

  4. Thank for your comments about my lobster mac & cheese! I have to tell you though, that lobster was the real not plastic! It was the leftover carcass after I took all the meat out! Have a great weekend!

  5. Do I really miss having a cat? Let me see.......YES!

  6. ROFLMAO....giggle snort..blowing coffee out my nose..and ewwwwww at the same time! Tink is a long I so need one of those signs...giggle! Thank you hon..I needed that!! Hugs, Sarah


  7. My mom had three cats, and one of them has been puking all over the house....
    The problem is that we can't figure out which one it is.

  8. Weeeee! Its my house!
    Luckily though have a gross dog who clean up for me,heh

  9. why is it that Dexter coughs up a hair ball right in the middle of my path from the bed to the toilet?

  10. Love the signs. All cat owners should have at least two. ;)

  11. I so need those signs for my house.....imagine what three cats can do!! Ick!


  12. Oh, man yes. Oh yeah. Uh huh. Yep. And it usually happens in the middle of the night, and you get up to go to the john, and you have not shoes on, and...squish...between the toes. GODDDDDDALMIGHTY!

  13. daughter just stepped in cat vomit this morning!!!

  14. I had to take hubby back to Mayo's for his treatment, and when we came back, I certainly needed several of those signs. .1. The furbabies get upset when we are gone, and 2. They are long hair, and shedding. 3. Daughter hurt her back, and couldn't stop by on the day we were coming home, so I told her that they would be ok until we got home. Sigh. What a welcome home! And of course, I'd have to teach the cats how to place the signs. lol

  15. My dog's the one who does most of the barfing around here. I think the cat's just biding his time...

  16. LMAO!!! You are too hilarious. By the way, thanks for the comment. Loved it and think it would be a great title for my ad. "Searching for Lost Peeps" but then I'd probably tire of them and send them packing....hee hee

  17. Ah of the many joys of being owned by a cat! Or cats...

  18. Oh my goddess, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw these. Do I dare share these with my "girls"? ;)

  19. yep, pretty much. our little one puked under the bed this morning, then ran away...RAN top speed...maybe she thought I wouldn't notice (cause who wakes up when they hear that unmistakable retching sound???) and would blame her sister cat or the dog...yeah, the 45lb dog could definitely fit UNDER the bed and do that!

  20. That's funny...Sophie just heaved up a mess for us as I type...must be a 4 legged thing!

  21. i have to say...every time i pick up a hairball i this the one millionth...and i don't know it.....

    and the one millionth can of kitty food and bag of johnny cat...maybe more than a million :-)

  22. Cats don't have owners. Cats have personal assistants.

  23. I can't do vomit so will have to remain catless.

  24. I had to laugh, have you been taking pictures through my windows., my cat and her furballs., lol. have a good weekend.,

  25. Yeah, that sounds about right! Funny, being a cat and a dog owner, how the cat thinks you are THEIR severant isn't it?

  26. My second and current cat hasn't horked up a hairball her whole life. She's three now. I'll bet it's going to be a lulu.


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