Friday 11 February 2011


So My Rare One and I are lacing up the ugly two-tone shoes and going bowling tomorrow afternoon! We only bowl once a year, though. We go with our gang of middle-aged but still wild 'n crazy lesbo chix. Watch out, Bonnie Doon Lanes, here we come!

And our bowlarama extravaganza will be JUST like this video, except with pizza afterwards:

And yes, while we are all indeed middle-aged, nobody has The Dude's facial hair, at least not yet. So don't even ask which one of us plays his role. Although I'd LOVE to have the opportunity to float down a bowling lane between the legs of all those Busby Berkeley beauties!


  1. LMAO! No wonder you only bowl once a year! Cool video and have a 'ball' (bwah-ha-ha)....

  2. Woot! I love going bowling. It's the only time where the phrase "The more the merrier" will be uttered from my lips. Have a good time girlie.

  3. You better be ready for those White Russians, Dude.

  4. ...and hopefully not at the police station...

  5. Gosh, I haven't been bowling in so many years I wonder if I remember how. Have fun and enjoy your weekend.

  6. Bowling is always fun but once a year is my limit too. Maybe it's the shoes or handling the balls but it always seems a little seedy or something. Spike the refreshments and you are on your way.....

  7. Post your scores. I sure that will be goof for a laugh. I love events like that when it's bowling or curling.

  8. I apologize in advance if what follows is offensive...

    Instead of Dykes on Bikes, how about Dykes with Balls?

  9. Too funny! You need to get bowling shirts that say "Wild n' Crazy Lesbo Chix"!! Have a great time!

  10. We've reclaimed the word "dyke" now so no offence there, Dark Mother! Hellz Yeah -- Dykes with Balls!

  11. Does it really take them a whole year to get the lanes back in order when you through with them? On second thought, don't answer that. .

    And how do you bowl with those headdresses on? And those helmets and bowling ball boobs look lethal!

    I have a feeling that you are going to have a super fun event, even though you have to wear those classy two toned shoes.

    Let us know your scores!

    P.S. Thanks for the heads up about Kat, but when I clicked on her new blog, it too says that it no longer exists. :-(

  12. I clicked on the link that you sent, and even tried it multiple times, and got the same thing. .so I googled it, and her blog came up. .weird, but I found it, thanks to you alerting me!

    Thanks for taking the time to let me know!! And just for that, I'm sending vibes for you to bowl a perfect game tomorrow!! :-)

  13. going on my bucket list..go bowling with Debrah and her buddies.

  14. Hope you'strike' it rich tomorrow! I know, oh'spare' me!!
    Couldn't resist...

  15. if you only bowl once a year you might as well do it up!!!

  16. ahhhhhh the dude careful with the rug, it holds the room together !!
    snort x1000

  17. That's fantastic! Have loads of fun :)

  18. Only once a year, hu? Is that 'cause you can only take it, once a year? Or because they only let you all in, once a year? -chuckle-

    And please, don't hit each other with coffee cups. Slaps with pieces of pizza, will be fine.


    Hugs and ♥'s...

  19. Keep your balls out of the gutter, even if your mind goes there! Ha!

  20. Ok. .this is the "day after". .what muscles aren't screaming? I do hope that you had a great time though!

  21. I think you've given me the title for my next short story: Hot Lesbo Chicks with Balls.

  22. That will be a good time for sure. Last time I bowl I did a whopping 24! Or somewhere around there. I think the heels had something to do with that!

  23. oh i love to bowl..i wish i was there

    happy valentines day, my friend

    kary and teddy

  24. Older guy brain skippyness. I thought I commented on this post, but nay, I did not. So, as best I can recreate in my frontal lobe...this must have been an acid flashback...not you, Lebowski.

    Love the metal bras and the horny thingies.

  25. ~good morning you!!! i see not much has changed in the past few days...hehehe...i really don't know how the heck you find these videos!!!

    happy belated v day to you and your rare one...i agree whole ♥edly with your view on such...a day to give and recieve reguardless of what or where you are in your life...we all need a bit of love!

    as for gutter balls...would have been right there with you...our oldest loves to go bowling it has taken me years to get over being tortured as a wee little every thanksgiving with my family...they would all knock down pins and there i would be EVERY SINGLE TIME...walking nervously up and then let my ball go hoping so bad that it would stay on the lane and well it never did happen! gutterballs for i average between 40~50 to say the least...thankful that i can finally knock down atleast one...
    sounds like a day filled with great fun!!!

    my dear friend...i also thank you greatly for all of your love and support you have given to me as of late...your card was ever so sweet...loved the little faerie floating about sprinkling her magic in the sweetest of ways...though it made me long for that cake!!! its alli keep thinking about...

    well little lady...i hope this finds your gluts a bit better...much love light and blessings always upon you and yours~


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