Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've always liked and enjoyed Valentine's Day, no matter whether I was single, madly in love, broken-hearted or whatever on that date. That's because I don't regard Valentine's Day as a holiday which celebrates only romantic love. That's MUCH too narrow a focus! To me, Valentine's Day celebrates love of family, friends and pets -- all the important ones in our life!

So even if there is no romantic dinner, roses or chocolates on any given February 14th, there is always an exchange of valentines with my Mom, sister and special friends. And of course, Her Royal Highness the cat sends valentines too. (I act merely as her secretary.)

And if there does happen to be romance that particular year also -- well, it's just the pink icing on the heart-shaped cake! But the absence of romantic love is no reason for anyone to think less of themselves on February 14th (or any other day). Nor is the presence of romantic love a reason for anyone to feel superior or more deserving.

Happy Valentine's Day, EVERYONE!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day my friend! I agree, the day of love rocks, no matter how you celebrate it. My guy will be home this year which is a gift in and of itself.

  2. I love this day. Had my outfit for work laid out the entire weekend. Stopped at the store and treated myself to some new cosmetics and, of course, candy. I'm raring to go.

  3. A LOVELY view of Valentine's Day!!!

    Hugs and ♥'s...
    On Valentine Day!

  4. Happy V.D. you romantic luv.

  5. Aww. Happy Love-Everyone Day <3

  6. Happy Shmappy Valentine's Day to you and ALL of yours....MWAHHH!

  7. Such a good attitude! I've always been neutral about Valentine's Day, but tonight will force the family to sit for a red dinner. Might only be pasta, but it's all in the presentation... :)

    And something chocolate too. L

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetie Pie.

  9. So I should seduce Mildred while Rocco's at work?

    Here, kitty kitty.

  10. Can I get an Amen???! You are so right...the romance is just the pink icing on the cake. This day is to celebrate everyone. xo

  11. I so agree...LOVE is so much more expansive to only be between two people!

  12. Happy Valentine's Day!!! Hector thanks you for the birthday wishes too! You are awesome!

  13. I'm with ya'! Valentine's Day has always been a day where I celebrate all love. It's one of my all tie favourite days, because it gives me an excuse to give extra hugs and kisses :)

  14. If you're loved by a cat, than everything else just falls into place, doesn't it Debra? ;) Many purrrs to you for Valentine's Day and your rare one and of COURSE HRH!!

  15. I loved your "At least I'm loved by my cat" sign. Think I will borrow it if you don't mind. Have a great Valentine's Day -- and may love in some form follow you all your days. Roland

  16. Agreed. I remember giving valentines to all my friends in kindergarten. We begin learning to celebrate that day with love of family and friends. Like you say, romantic love is a bonus.

  17. I must be channelling you..I just wrote a little post(on another b) about this very thing.
    I wholeheartedly agree:)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Yes! Let's spread the LOVE around!

  19. Happy Valentine's to you too dear! I love the pic of the flowers but the chocolates are probably more useful!!!! Yum

  20. Love it!!~* My muffin and I don't do much for Valentines--it just doesn't work for us. We try to do goofy stuff for each other all the time. A time and a date seems to kill the spontaneity of it all. But I <3 making valentines to surprise my friends and spoil my kitties!

    Happy Valentines! :)

  21. Happy Valentine's Day to You and Your Rare One.
    May it be filled with the magick of love

  22. I still exchange valentines with my grand kids and kids... love the old timey ones... guess it makes me feel young again

  23. Belated Valentines wishes ;O) hope your day was filled with love cake and chocolates :) x x x

  24. Love your attitude! I'm completely and utterly in love with pretty much everything good and wonderful in my life and I believe in celebrating it. My birthday's the day after Valentine's, the perfect reason to continue the lovefest! I love my birthday, feeling the love through birthday wishes and all the happiness that I get from having a birthday. It's been a love week!


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