Thursday 31 March 2011

And Now for a High Brow Musical Interlude

I love that mad wee Scot.


  1. I love him! I only wish that he wasn't on so late at night, but if he were earlier, then his show couldn't be the same.

    I love his wit and dry sense of humor, and then morphing into something silly and fun.

    Thanks for starting my day out with a laugh!

  2. Love this!! Great way to start the day! :0) Thanx!

  3. I now know what tune I'll be humming the rest of the day.

  4. fun!I have never seen this guy before but he certainly is lively. I know what I'll be singing all day!

  5. Oh, I love this. Made my day. Thank you.

  6. I want to hump his face too. I would spend a lot of time humping faces if I had the option, wouldn't I? That probably warrants psychoanalysis.

  7. Any tv show host who can go on for 20 straight minutes of monologue -- apparently unscripted -- every night automatically has my respect....
    I love that Craig Ferguson.

  8. There version of 'What a Wonderful Night' is my favorite.

  9. always leave me with a smile


    kary and teddy

  10. weekend's coming... DANCE YER ASS OFF! ;) lol

  11. This guy's a hoot! Never saw his show...but will have to give it a try. Thanks for the good laugh, and yeah...that song is now stuck in my head as well!

  12. I fecking love him..did you see him with the (her name escapes me) french actress? couple of nights ago..I was falling on the floor.

  13. No, I missed that, YDG. I'll have to catch it on his website.

  14. I love it. Thank you for making me laugh today :)

  15. He is my favorite!!! I love the Dr. Who dance number the best :)


  16. Is it sad that I know every word and can loudly sing along...LOL? That was great fun, D.!

  17. Aw I love Craig (as well as John & John!) In one of his early monologues he went off on the I Ching and Jung and I was just like whoaaawhaaaa??? Scary thing was that I got all the jokes! He's really smart as well as funny. I love watching that free-fall he does in his monologues as his brain scrambles to grab hold of something, anything.

    He's also really got a clue. One night he started talking, quite seriously, about how he was not actually going to do any Britney Spears jokes (this was just after she had that breakdown of hers) because dammit she was just a kid who was under a hell of a lot of pressure. The audience of course didn't know what to make of it (bunch of assholes if you ask me), but I at least gave him a standing ovation at home for publicly choosing compassion.


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